I use the Touchmote software, and I have some problems with the Mame and the Pcsx2, would it be possible to implement something in the demulshooter to use it with mame and in the pcsx2 as for the demul, segaring etc? in mame, the 2 wiimote, works well in joystick mode but I have an offset of 6/7 cm on the left and I can not find a way to correct it (even with the calibration in game without result).
For MAME you'll need tsuokkis' custom Touchmote 14b build - it has calibration settings in INI config, and set Pointer as RStick. No mouse at all.
It's not user-friendly, you may spend several hours by trying to find right values, but you need to do this just once.
And as a result - it easily handles 3-Wiimote setup with a line-of-sight calibration
Also, check if all the diodes are working in your IR panel - if some of them are broken, it may cause your offset.
I usually do this by looking at a panel through a phone camera.
In the pcsx2 I can not in any way to make it work, if I configure the Wiimote as a mouse I have no answer in the game, if I configure them as joysticks I have a bouncing crossfire without control .... The only solution is Demulshooter Many users who use wiimotes would appreciate this because they have the same problem.
thanks again for your program is great !!!
I found no way to use Touchmote with pcsx2 for comfortable play.
You need a bunch of tools to make it work at least with single wiimote:
- Regular Bluetooth dongle connection - Dolphinbar won't help there. So we need some old school things
- Nuvee USB plugin for pcsx2 in DirectInput mode, gun set in Plugin's slot2.
- Mouse should be disabled in Lilypad.
- Toid's WiiMouse software in PPJoy mode
- PPJoy software with at least 1 virtual gamepad activated
And then you'll have a great struggle with all of them, including custom c# script in PPJoy for translating mouse coordinates,
because regular PPJoy's translations in Mappings don't work
using ScriptDebug;
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using WiiMouseUtils.WiiMousePPJoy;
public class Script
public static void ExecuteAfterMappings(WiimoteScriptPPJoyMapper m)
m.SetDirectInputMouseX(0, m["Pointer X Coordinate"].AV);
m.SetDirectInputMouseY(0, m["Pointer Y Coordinate"].AV);
Next, you will find that mouse buttons don't work - you need to set them as mappings in WiiMouse's mappings
And if you can handle this...
There's no crosshairs in Nuvee
You will see just windows native cursor.
So be ready to find and set a pretty big crosshair as a default cursor, or go hardcore and add this to c# ppjoy script
Next - you need to find a suitable calibration preset in Nuvee. There's a bunch of them for main lightgun games, but they also need customizing.
And even after all of this, your crosshair will never 100% fit a real target even if the game allows its own calibration.
The best result I have - almost line-of-sight aiming with a static ~10 cm error offset - that's not much comparing to my 42inch tv screen
And this config does not allow more than 1 wiimote because we are using DirectInput.
Same plugin exists also for PSX emus, but it's working with PCSX-r custom lightgun build only.
For now, I don't have enough stamina to check this... Nuvee devoured my brains completely for the last 3 days
And... Yes, I was a good boy that year, so I will present myself at least one Aimtrack gun with a Bluetooth module for Christmas
and forget all this
like a bad dream... No way I'll do something similar again...
I've found a more simple way
Works with both Dolphinbar mode 4 and BT connection for 1 Wiimote, with precious smoothing
Just simple GlovePie script
if Wiimote.PointerVisible == true
var.ScreenWidth = 1920
var.ScreenHeight = 1080
mouse.CursorPosX = smooth(var.ScreenWidth-round((((wiimote1.dot1x+wiimote1.dot2x)/2)/784)*var.ScreenWidth),3)
mouse.CursorPosY = smooth(round((wiimote.dot1y/784)*var.ScreenHeight),3)
mouse.LeftButton = Wiimote.B and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.RightButton = Wiimote.A and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.MiddleButton = Wiimote.Home and KeepDown(Wiimote.PointerVisible,0.5s)
mouse.WheelUp = Wiimote.Minus
mouse.WheelDown = Wiimote.Plus