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Started by argonlefou - Last post by argonlefou

Hi Argon! :)
There is a way to remove crossair from Jurassic Park?
Jurrasic Park Arcade from Raw Thril ?
Yes, just add the -nocrosshair option in DemulShooter command line

Started by shponglefan - Last post by RandyT

This is what I am talking about. I can't wait until we have Augmented Reality in a pair of glasses, complete with eye tracking, AI, internet access and now this EMG wristband control.

46 degree FOV ...  Physics is a cruel mistress.

Started by geecab - Last post by GPForverer2024

Hi Geecab

excellent news !!

really looking forward to seeing your progress soon


Started by Customcade - Last post by pbj

Cheaper to get new ones

5   Main Forum / Re: IPAC2 not switching modes!on Today at 07:48:01 am

Started by darky1986 - Last post by Mnkmx

Did you solve this issue? I’m having the same problem with ipac4 and Firmware 1.56


6   Main Forum / Re: Ipac4 not changing to Xinputon Today at 07:44:00 am

Started by Mnkmx - Last post by bobbyb13

You might want to reset the board and start fresh.
I do recall having problems programming one once but I had accidentally loaded the mixedmode firmware to mine.

If all else fails you can send Andy an email directly and he is always extraordinarily helpful.

7   Main Forum / Re: two 4 way josticks necessary?on Today at 05:18:31 am

Started by DaOld Man - Last post by marioxb

Thanks PL1. that does work, however it allows p1 joystck to control both players and P2 joystick to control both players too.
I can see where this could be confusing.
Ideal (for me anyway) would be P1 jostick only controls player 1 and P2 only player two.
Is this not possible?

Not possible because the cab only had one joystick.  MAME is emulating the original game so there is no second joystick to assign.  The game just isn't designed for player 2 to use separate controls.  Someone would have to make a custom rom and rewrite parts of the game.

The default is for both players to use the P1 joystick.  Everybody my age just kinda knows that if a game makes the players take turns, the game only had one joystick and everyone uses P1.  I can see where younger people might get confused, but they'll catch on quick.

What about the Switch Arcade Archives versions of games like DK, Pac-Man or BurgerTime? Pretty sure they have each player using their own controller. I wonder if Hamster modified the roms, or how they made this possible?

8   Main Forum / Ipac4 not changing to Xinputon Today at 12:11:44 am

Started by Mnkmx - Last post by Mnkmx

I recently purchased an IPAC4, but I’m having difficulty changing its mode to Xinput. Currently, it remains in keyboard mode, which makes it challenging for me to configure the emulators as I need.

I have attempted switching modes multiple times by holding START and pressing SW1 through SW5, as described in the instructions, but there has been no change. Could you please guide me on how to resolve this issue? Is there another way to enable Xinput mode? Firmware is 1.56

I would appreciate any assistance or troubleshooting steps you could provide.

Thank you very much for your time and support.

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

These are the armor I mean shielding plates I made out of bare metal shelve racks to be 1/4" Thick steel.

I bolted these inside the monitor area of the cab right onto the outside wall of where all the mids and tweets would run along it.

All my speakers are shielded stock mids and tweets and went the extra mile adding this in to ensure it don't mess with my screen color.

Unshielded there is no way one could pull this off with a crt that close to that many.

LCD your fine but this beast still rocks the 39" wells gardner k7600 😎

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Because that sub is going to be soooo angry more then likely I will cut out the side walls of some old automobile tires and cut them into square sheets to bolt to each the control panel base and the main cabinet base where they butt up and meet together so no vibration is getting to the main cab.

Only thing in the control panel is wires soon that sub buttons cherri switch ipac4 trackball and spinner.

Only concern is the trackball wanting to drift on its own from the subs power but may just line the inside of the control panel bottom with a thick layer or rubber also.

Probably out of a solid one piece instead of car tire route if it's even a issue.
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