Builds: private, commissioned, and donated works. Some complete, some not so much.
Point Blank 2 PSOne BuildStatus: Still need to finish the CP, other than that its a hit! We love this one!!
Xenon RestoreStatus: Done and Sold!
BYOAC 4P PedestalStatus: Doneskis.
Star Wars CabaretStatus: Done!
Galaga RestoreStatus: Complete enough for me
Space BaseStatus: In progress
Notre DameStatus: Commission build, need to check in with owner. Complete
S.T.U.N Runner retheme "Starfighter"Status: So long baby bye-bye! Found a new home!
R2-AU Status: Complete - starts on pg 3 or 4 of the now defunct NRFT build. Got completed as a standalone projector enabled gaming rig then decided he was much better service liquid gold (hence the name change to R2-AU - that and he roots for Auburn!). Status update 2017, removed kegorator but kept the bluetooth sound system, now lives in my sons' room as they just redid to Star Wars theme. Coolest kids on the block with a 1:1 scale R2-D2 in their room!
Game of Thrones PedestalStatus: Commission build; Completed on 13 June 2014
FieldhouseStatus: Complete - Update from the buyer - working great after a year plus!
DarkadeStatus: Complete. Art and MALA layout available upon request with a build thread.
Arcade of Monkey IslandStatus: Never made it out of photoshop. Art and MALA layout available upon request with a build thread.
Spaceman SpiffStatus: Did the CP layout as a favor. Build by jdbailey1206 is dead - pm me if you want the art.
Special Needs Controller for "M"Status: Complete - "M" loves it
Gayle's Jukebox MarqueeStatus: Complete - also I think DaOld Man sent me a few bucks for it but he didn't have to. He's just that kind of a stand-up guy.
Micro Cabinets:
Star Wars MicroStatus: Complete. Art available upon request.
GauntletStatus: Cabinet complete, issues with control interface. Art was done by a KLOV user and is unavailable through me.
Projected Status: Will complete, totally parked right now and for the foreseeable future. Every now and again I open the cabinet holding it and think, man, I should really finish that.
TronStatus: Cabinet unfinished, issues with control interface. Art available upon request.
Projected Status: Fried Chicken, If I'm going to build a TRON I'll build a full size or cabaret or something.
Front Ends:
I've done a lot of work towards getting a fun frontend that looks good on space themed flight sim cabinets (Star Wars, star fighter, etc) into the community with the help of Arximidis and his awesome HTML FE. Check out where we are at so far:,137291.msg1451631.html#msg1451631