Hola amigo!
tonight, a big decision was made : top or bottom mount the joystick.
I spend the last 2 days trying to figure out if I should mount the joystick on the bottom or on the top of the CP.
I wanted to mount them from the top to have the longest shaft possible, but wasn't too sure on how to proceed.
So I decided to finalize my templates (joysticks+trackball) and see how they look when bottom mounted.
First, I have 2 routers. One of them already had the t-molding slot cutter on it. Being on the lazy side,
I decided to route the t-mold slot on the CP. So I did 2 trials to adjust the height to match the 5/8 mdf + 1/8 plexi
and route that slot (pic#1)
Then, I traced the outlines for the joystick bases and the trackball hole and mounting plate.
The holes were roughly cut by first drilling a hole and then using the jigsaw. (pic#2)
Then I installed guides (nailed into place) and used the router's flush bit. (pic#3)
Trackball hole was cut as is.
The others were cut 1/16 wider than drawn. Those will be used with the router bushing kit.
Then, I tried the 2 joystick template with the bushing and tested how they look
when bottom mounted. The joystick height seems appropriate, so I didn't
bother to try the top mount. (pic#4)
So that's it for tonight,
If this post doesn't make sens, it's because it's too late and I need to get some sleep.
The next post will start the page 6
The 31st, it's my nephew's birthday. He's gonna be 10. we're going to celebrate on Nov 10th.
I told my sister that we're gonna do the party at my place and that I should have the cab functional
(might not be 100%, but pretty close). wish me luck