well, im on the currently latest win 10 professional version, (as of 1.7.2017) and i cannot get it to work on win10. Of course running everything as an administrator, and so on.
It has probably something to do with your graphics card? I have a radeon hd 7850, and a skylake 6700k cpu. As far as i know, the taito tx2 games have amd/ati graphic cards, so maybe if you`re running an nvidia card and have the 3d wrapper turned off, thats (maybe) why it won`t work? i am getting the same direct3d error as you, atleast on win 10.
EDIT: as i just tested, on my win10 64bit pro, i do NOT get the d3d error, JUST the second one (MTSシステムの初期化に失敗しました。
i guess it`s up to us to find out, because so few people have that game up & running...
EDIT2: anyone fluid in japanese?
i figured out that the error is a japanese one, i couldn`t copy & paste the error message, so i had to screenshot it, here it is.