...my niece found out about the Lime Aid arcade machine (
http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,113905.0.html)I made with my nephews (different mother, same brother of mine... classy.) She wanted her own. She also wanted to out-do ole' Limey. So, with Lime Aid being one groovy game gear coin drop button away from being completed, I figured now was the time to plan and build hers.
Another mini size. Will be able to cut it out of one 4x8 sheet.
Neon pink and black were the colours she chose.
Trackball... I am trying to find an affordable 1 1/2 ball preferably with a small mounting plate. Looking at some of the ones mentioned in the thread I started about that topic in the main forum.
2 ball top joysticks, 4 buttons each, 2 player. She has a little sister whom I have sort of adopted as my other niece even though she isn't blood. So I said it has to be 2 player, and she has to share
Again I'll be building the coin door out of an access panel from the hardware store. They are only $20 and then drop in a few buttons they look great.
The hardest thing I did was planned the mofo. I kept the shape close to Lime Aid but made the marquee bigger and changed the depth from 24" to 22" - still 48 inches tall. THERE WILL BE BOLTS, I don't want to hear any complaining about the bolts. They will be hidden as best as I can. 4 per side, 2 across the top and 2 across the bottom. Why? Well I am going to be using black melamine coated particle board, the stuff they sell to make kitchen cabinets out of. This means I will have to flush trim everything and make templates. I'm going to biscuit join the whole thing but just to be sure the base will be 2x4 for extra sturdiness and the marquee area will be half 2x4 just to help hold it together. It's going to be heavy and don't want it coming apart in the move (she lives quite far from me, and I live on an island...)
I chose black melamine because it's already finished, provided I don't chip it up while cutting. Then I can draw on the art and spray paint on the pink. I will be using Mala as the front end again since I know it inside and out and it works.
Without further ado, here are some renders I sketchup'd!
#1 initial idea.
#2 Added side art
#3 Added trackball and swapped around the art orientation and density
#4 Added another circle on the control panel for symmetry
#5 Added a curve on the front of the control panel