Turned out fantastic. Great job and well done.Thanks for the mention in the credits also.
I'm sure you will get quite a few requests from people to build them one, I still get emails every day from people asking me to make them a micro cab. I made one batch in the beginning of 7 , which turned out well, but if your like me you will want to start new challenges and projects and making cabs for others soon becomes restrictive. So I stopped making for others, now I just provide people with some instruction points on how to make one. Warning though, once you start doing that, be prepared to answer a whole heap of questions. People will get stuck, fry components etc etc. Then people start to get grumpy if you fall behind in responding to them. It's all good of course , I actually like helping people out so I like doing that. I also had the fear of getting sued over the artwork in particular, someone actually posted on one of my vid's that I could get sued for that reason, which was another reason to not make them for others anymore. Having said that, I doubt anyone would sue for copyright.
I'm sure Bender had the same experience with people asking questions and wanting him to build them one.