WOW - I just found this. Thanks a lot for taking the time to document this. It's obvious that you want to provide accurate plans for this. If I may make a request, when time permits, could you post measurements for the side panel where you reference one point and the angles (corners) are measured like coordinates on an x-y axis, rather than transversing the perimeter? I think that with all the angles, there is a lot of potential for errors to build up and to get quite off the intended path.
I'm thinking that it could be like the measurements for the CP. Reference the back bottom corner, and call that 0,0. Then measure the horz distance and vertical distance to each of the 'corners' (inside and outside angles) of the side. Sort of like if there was a grid over the side panel. Assuming that the back is 90 to the bottom and the front "kick panel" is also 90 to the bottom - then the 'corner' that is the first bend away from the back angled up towards the marquee would be coordinate (0,57 1/2) The corner where the bottom turns to go up the kick panel would be (26 1/4,0). The corner where the kick panel angles out to the coin door panel would be (26 1/4,21 1/8).
Then one could measure out where all the corners are, and then just connect the dots.
If you do not have time to do this, I understand. You have already done a lot regarding this. I certainly appreciate it, and I'm sure many others do to.
And I am also very interested in any updates you have with this project (non-documentation wise).