Hello, I am trying to get this to work in Hyperspin via RocketLauncherUI and am having some trouble. In the User Functions.AHK I have the following:
Global systemName, romName, emuPath
Log("StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting")
if ( (systemName="Sega Naomi" or "Sammy Atomiswave" ) and (romName="lupinsho" or romName="confmiss" or romName="hotd2" or romName="deathcox" or romName="mok" or romName="ninjaslt"or romName="rangrmsn" or romName="xtrmhnt2" or romName="xtrmhunt") )
Run("DemulShooter.exe -demul=07a -rom=" . romName . " -noresize", emuPath)
Log("StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending")
For Sega Naomi games (Demul) I get the following error message:
Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:
Action: <DemulShooter.exe>
Specifically: The system cannont find the file specified.
I have the DemulShooter folder (with all the DemulShooter files) within the Emulator folder.
Help please?
I see two problems:
1) You are using an old version of the commandline.
2) Looks like you do not demulshooter in the folder with your emulator. The emupath parameter is looking for demulshooter exe in the same folder as the emulator that calls it (model 2, demul, dolphin, pclauncher). For my setup, I just put a copy of demul in every emulator folder. I will eventually change this to clean it up a bit, but for now, no harm no foul. Here is my User Functions.ahk (Again, i could clean this up some, and it requires copies of the demulshooter in each emulator folder, but it works) Make sure your ROM names match yours (especially for dolphin)
; Use this function to define any code you want to run in every module on start
Global systemName, romName, emuPath
Log("StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting")
if ( (systemName="Sega Naomi" or "Sammy Atomiswave" or "Shotgun Games" ) and (romName="lupinsho" or romName="confmiss" or romName="hotd2" or romName="deathcox" or romName="mok" or romName="ninjaslt"or romName="rangrmsn" or romName="xtrmhnt2" or romName="xtrmhunt") )
Run("DemulShooter.exe -target=demul07a -rom=" . romName . " -noresize", emuPath)
if ( (systemName="Sega model 2" or "Shotgun Games") and (romName="bel" or romName="gunblade" or romName="hotd" or romName="rchase2" or romName="vcop" or romName="vcop2") )
Run("DemulShooter.exe -target=model2m -rom=" . romName, emuPath)
if ( (systemName="Nintendo Wii" or "Shotgun Games") and (romName="ghostsqu" or romName="hotdo" or romName="targter" or romName="House of the Dead 2 and 3" or romName="Gunblade NY and LA" or romName="Resident Evil the Darkside Chronicles" or romName="Resident Evil the Umbrella Chronicles" or romName="Attack of the Movies 3D") )
Run("DemulShooter.exe -target=dolphin5 -ddinumber=5" , emuPath)
if ( (systemName="PC Games" or "Shotgun Games") and (romName="Silent Hill The Arcade Game") )
Run("DemulShooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=sha", "d:\arcade\emulators\pclauncher")
if ( (systemName="PC Games" or "Shotgun Games") and (romName="House of the Dead 3") )
Run("DemulShooter.exe -target=windows -rom=hod3pc", "d:\arcade\emulators\pclauncher")
Log("StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending")
; Use this function to define any code you may need to stop or clean up in every module on exit
Log("StopGlobalUserFeatures - Starting")
Log("StopGlobalUserFeatures - Ending")