17/7/15: Now complete
Googie styling for that Jetsons 'TO THE FUTURE' look
*Glass control panel
Touch controls for P1, P2, Coin1 and Coin2
51cm CRT TV converted to an arcade monitor*
Pacdrive to light up pushbuttons
Arcade VGA*
Jpac (I've wired this JAMMA in case I want to play with the real thing down the track)
So contrary to what you may have thought from reading my announcement thread, I have actually been building a cab all that time. Last time I made a genuine
project announcement, I think I jinxed myself so this time I decided I wouldn't post until I was almost done. Today I picked up the glass, so that was a big milestone.
Because this project 'announcement' is looking back, I have the luxury of making it a fairly tidy thread. Each of the following posts will be one aspect of the build. I'll post a pic of the completed cab in the first post.
First pic is how it all began. And it began by going completely out of my comfort zone about 9 years ago when I decided to move to a new city, without any thoughts of what I would actually do once I got there. One night, as I lay in my bunk bed in a backpackers, with a french-Canadian couple fooling around right above me, I sketched a design. It came out very fluidly and even now I am most impressed I managed such a neat design. So neat that 8 or so years later when I decided to fish that old note book out and look at building it, all I had to do was scan it. The scan turned out to be exactly 1/6 scale. I didn't have to change a thing!
I built a 1/6 scale card model from the scan. When I showed a friend, he said it reminded him of the Jetsons. Hence the name (",) . Sure enough, after googling, it turns out I was being all 'stream of consciousness' and stuff. The Jetsons art style is based on the Googie style of architecture and furniture from the late 40's to the mid 60's. We all know it instinctively as that old fashioned sci fi 'TO THE FUTURE' look. Now I have a name for the style- Googie.
I think some of you may find some of the following features of my cab rather interesting, particularly the 'Glass and controls' and 'auxiliary controls' sections (",)
each unusual feature (as if the shape isn't unusual enough) is all about aesthetic simplicity. It could be said to be feature creep, except that each new thing I though of makes the design cleaner, as opposed to a lot of feature creep situations where things become more cluttered and messy.
17/7/15: Cab is now finished. Here's a vid, pics to follow