Need to overhaul/redo a build I did over 6 years ago. This thing is my kitchen table... What? Doesn't everyone have one of these in their kitchen? But time for a new computer (old one needs to have the ram stick wiggled sometimes to get it to boot. Despite adding tension and cleaning all the pins it still sucks and will freeze on occasion mid game), joysticks (got a pair of servostik's comin' from across the pond along with ipac and servo control board), accent lighting (woo hoo more classy led's. and not blue strips that were meant for a car dash board) and monitor along with addressing 2 major annoying factors of this cab.
The computer that was used originally was found on the side of the road (blue screen of death upon boot and pulled a ram stick and it boot
) it's a P3 800mhz with 98 running mame .084.
L O f'ing L
at my handy work. I didn't have money back then. Looks like a prototype ipac from 1953. I did take the time to figure out the proper key matrix (hence the numbers written on the board) some of the old school guys will understand.
At least I didn't botch both control panel holes when adding the 4 ways originally.
I'm gonna screw the crt and get rid of that black box hanging from the bottom. I can't stand it. That's the one thing keeping it from being a comfortable table to eat at. Plus the chairs will be able to slide in further once removed. Gonna use a sheet of .100 thick black HDPE to cover the hole left from the ammo box removal.
The other annoying melon scratch er is player 2 gets all the sound. Gonna replicate the speaker slots on the player one side opposite the coin slot. Each side of the table will have a speaker finally. Couple of spots along the edges of the glass seemed to have sustained a spill of sorts and screwed up the paint. Easy fix since the glass is removed to accommodate the new monitor into the wood top.
Also anyone happen to have a new coin slot image underlay? I might just scan it and attack the black logo in gimp and print on new day glow card stock. The instruction cards are in great shape. The coin slot one has some stains and is warped. Since I have the glass off my ocd is honing in on that underlay.
good day.