It has been quite a few years since I made my last cab (2004 according to the byoac search feature...) I had to get rid of my old cab due to space limitations, my game room is now my youngest son's bedroom. My wife knew I missed my arcade so together we were brainstorming how to get the arcade back into our house. She didn't mind having an arcade in the house if it was possible to make it not the centerpiece of the livingroom.
So, after some thinking and browsing other furniture arcades I found something that we're both happy with: our coffee table will be turned into a two player cocktail cabinet!
The build is complete and this is the result!
This is what the table looks like when in "coffee table mode":

Once you remove the covers, the control panels become visible:

The control panels are illuminated by 3 LEDs. The photo doesn't really do it justice, but you get the idea. Perhaps when it's dark I'll make a new picture.
Control panel for player one:

It has 1 servostik joystick, 6 buttons, 1 spintrak and 2 flipper buttons. It also has the P1 start and P2 start buttons and a coin button.
Control panel for player two:

It has 1 servostik joystick, 6 buttons, 1 spintrak. It has a P2 start button and a coin button.
Both controlpanels have their own (logitech-) speakers.
Arkanoid! The 32"LED TV is excellent for vertical games:

Horizontal games go in cocktail mode, each player then has a 20" 4:3 screen. The TV is a Samsung UE32EH5000.
This is my wife and daughter playing Bubble Bobble in cocktailmode:
The PC runs Future Pinball perfectly:

The PC is an Intel i3 3220 with Radeon HD6670 videocard.
For modern gaming the table has connectors for 2xUSB gamepads, headphones. The table also has WiFi and a bluetooth wireless keyboard with touchpad- so I can use it while sitting on the couch.
Running Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Initially the table seems quite low, but I have a set of stools (originally used in meditation) that sit quite comfortably and are the perfect height.