Thank you for putting together this app... I really like it, but I see a couple issues that I need to figure out if it is just me or the application.
I've been trying to learn CPV2 and this one to determine which I like best. I have setup CPV2 and it works good, but I am having focus issues once the CPV2 window is closed. I' looking into using CPWizard now to see how it functions and looks. I am having a couple issues with it (more then likely it's me and not the app, but I need some direction).
I think configuring the buttons is a bit more cumbersome then it should be. With CPV2 it uses P1_BUTTON1 and pulls what you have configured in MAME as your button1. So, if I had to reprogram my controller for some reason I wouldn't have to go in and update my viewer as well. Simply re-program MAME and it finds the config immediately. With your app you have to specify what key input goes with what button. Re-programming a controller would require you to update the viewer with the new inputs as well... duplicating work.
The second issue is that I encountered when building my control panel design in CPWizard. I could see the buttons and items I added in CPWizard designer, but once I tested (Preview) it the buttons were gone, but labels still showing. I think this had something to do with the grouping, but I haven't quite figured out how exactly the grouping works. How exactly does CPWizard work with shared buttons/inputs? I copied my player 1 button 1 and button 2 over to other buttons that I use for 4 way games. When testing I see the labels, but sometimes they are next to my 8-way setup and not the 4-way setup. I'm assuming that this goes back to the grouping that I still cannot figure out how to use correctly... Below is an image to what I am describing... As you can see some of the controls are faded out. In this image none of the labels or inputs have groups assigned.
Since I was having issues using your designer and the buttons/joysticks disappearing I created my design in PS3. I can use my design image in CPV2, but for some reason if I try to change the background to my image in CPWizard the background goes blank. The image is .png at 640x480. Is there something that I am missing? Does the app not work like this? *** I just figured this out. Apparently the image MUST be located in the Media folder of CPWizard and not anywhere else. I had the image on my desktop originally. ***
Third,and final, issue... is there a way to turn off the Snap to Grid that the designer does? I've found that sometimes when the element snaps to the grid on the design it doesn't always line up correctly. Sometimes it will snap in the center of the grid boxes... This is very annoying... This is one of the reason as to why I decided to make a .png of my control panel instead of using your designer.
I've looked at your documentation, but didn't see anything that would answer my questions... Any suggestions or anything that would be able to assist me?