Hey guys.
If you’ve been rejected from the Facebook group, it’s because you didn’t answer the screening questions. This is standard practice when appliying to any Facebook group. We are bombarded with phoney applicants looking to phish information or to sell something to our members so we’ve had to be more selective with who we’re accepting. I personally look at the applicant’s Facebook profile to make sure they’re a real person. So if you’ve created an account without a Facebook photo or any information and you’ve also not answered the two screening questions , I’ll likely believe you’re a spammer and reject the application.
I’ve also personally sent private messages to many applicants asking them questions to ensure the person applying is a real person, but when those messages go unanswered or unseen for days, the request is rejected.
We have 90 Facebook members at the moment, so it’s not as if we’re being overly selective and deemed you to be unworthy.
You must be falling into the ‘high risk’ category by not following the application process.
Sorry about that. Please answer the screening questions and if you can elaborate and say you’re from this board, I’ll be sure to accept your request.