Hi Whomp firstly I don't think it has anything to do with ur PC it has to do with the disks you are using to upgrade to team challenge. Looking at your photos it looks like you are using a challenge edition recovery disk and not a team challenge one. Firstly you need the right system recovery disk to match the game installation disks you have. In Australia I use the System recovery disc Australian Version v4.0a that works for my Game installation discs which ther are 3 of and are labeled Team Challenge version v4.0.0.8. Once you have the right disks it should work on and PC on any hard drive whether new or old.
What you do is input the system recovery disc first that will install windows xpe on ur PC then it will ask you to restart and input the game disks. If the right system recovery disc is used then it should install perfectly as I have done this several times on different pcs. No need to install more drivers only did this doth the new sell gx 260 motherboard to get sound working.
Now as for the ISO of these disks. STP on this forum setup up a Dropbox which had most versions of the game in it he would be the best person to contact and the easiest way of getting these discs. If you are stuck I have the discs but I think line are mostly the Australian version and unsure what the difference is. I am still connected to boosts server and all is working 100% good luck!!
Thanks for all the advice. I have actually tried and tried and troubleshooted this process over the last 2 weeks but with no success. I do have the Team Challenge restore / install disk but it stops at 85% each and every time. My mouse freezes up at that time as well so there certainly is something it doesn't like with that install disk or the hardware on this computer. I've even tried the same install disk from a couple different sources and it stops at 85% each and every time. So I know the disk is good but it must not like my PC. It is a older PC and probably an original PC.
This PC was made for a original setup of Championship 1. Championship 1 is the ONLY install that will make it to the point of asking for the dongle. What is crazy is I still have the original HD where Challenge Edition is installed (and working) but I have no frigging clue how they got it to work. LOL
It will only accept a IDE hard drive and no SATA connections. My HD is only a 20.5 GB. I want to at least try a bigger HD but I don't have one currently.
So, I tried this last night. I installed the older restore disk XPE and then Championship 1. Made it to the asking for the dongle part. I then installed Challenge Edition but the game only blinks at the very end when it should work. I know why though as it SHOULD work with the newer install disk which I'm sure goes with Challenge Edition. I even went as far as installing TC on top of that as well with no luck. When I do this I also have to install NetFrame 1.1 and add the DirectX drivers. I wonder if I'm using the wrong DirectX version or I need to try a larger HD or it simply doesn't like my motherboard or processor in the older PC.
My last hope is to buy a GX 280 motherboard. Does it matter which processor I use in it or will the install disk accept any processor that works on that board?