I ended up not being happy with the marquee and set the whole thing aside for a while to work on other projects. Turns out I didn't take too many pictures of the old marquee but I did find this one I took to show my friend I had framed their "Flynn's Arcade" Christmas present. You can see the blacks are dull and washed out. Also I didn't account for the marquee holders and they ended up covering up part of the white border.
Vigo put together an example earlier in this thread which I really liked. I couldn't quite mimic Vigo's design but I was able to fumble together a similar version that incorporated the identity discs. In order to do that I had to give up the Encom logo as it was just way to busy with the new design.
I really liked the deep black that rablack97 showed in his awesome
Mortal Kombat marquee and decided to use his same vendor - HollywoodMarquee's. As he mentioned in his thread they reverse print your image on the back giving it the same effect as the back-lit posters you see at the theater.
The cabinet is in a bad spot to get daylight pictures but here goes.
Pictures do not do it justice but it looks pretty spectacular lit up.
There was some light leakage on the ends and painting the ends with a black Sharpie seemed to help.
Now I'm back to working on the second monitor. I have Hyperspin working but can't decide if I like it so I've been playing with AttractMode. Once I get the front end and second monitor working we can call this one finally done.