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1   GroovyMAME / LCD_Range Glitchon Today at 08:13:33 pm

Started by DJO_Maverick - Last post by DJO_Maverick

So I've found an odd edge case that seems vaguely related (maybe) to the AMD timings limitation previously discussed...

So as a workaround to that limitation, I've been setting GM to use the highest aspect-appropriate resolution that doesn't cause GM to freak out and give up.  Previously I used the older manual custom range for LCD (which you can see in there still), but then I shifted to the LCD_Range method when it became available.  Recently (not sure what build), that developed an issue where the first time I launch any game with MAME (on a given power cycle), it launches with incorrect timings and causes slow-motion, audio-tearing, unplayability.  If I exit GM...  then relaunch the exact same game (or any other game), it works exactly as intended.  That will be the case until I shut the cabinet off.

This happens 100% of the time for me, consistently and predictably.  Doing the exact same launch command twice in a row causes inconsistent results, and inconsistent logs.

With the two attached logs, paperboy1 is launching it as the first use of GM for a power cycle.  I closed it, then ran it again, and that generated paperboy2.  Absolutely no changes were made to configuration of GM, displays, system, or anything. 

And for clarity, it's not limited to paperboy; same thing happens regardless of what the first game launched is.  Seeking guidance, please.


Started by abispac - Last post by abispac

The zone 3 cable likely runs into either a DA415 amp or another DA915 amp in the base or into a "blue" DI box to run into a separate conventional amp (crown, etc.)

if you end up needing a red DI box or other things, maybe we can trade. let me know when you've had a chance to check it out.
Yes sir, what do you need or what are you looking for? I'm supposed to have the juke at my home tomorrow, I was gonna ask, by any chance do you know where I can buy an Angelina braket? i been looking for one to a no good luck, the winner of the raffle needs one, I was going to offer the stand I own now, but ill rather keep it to myself.

Started by nipsmg - Last post by rick_bungle

I have the random crashing issue too, but it isn't often.  I was thinking about putting a button on the cabinet to relaunch the program if there wasn't an update to fix it.

Started by LightningBolt - Last post by MartyKong

I bought a Pac Reunion stick and it was way too stiff. I wish you hadn't cut the spring down because I have no idea how that will effect it long term. What I did was remove the spring get a bolt long enough to go through the spring with large washers on each end. I then screwed a nut on a little at a time compressing the spring and then took measurements to see what each did. I found compressing the spring between a 1/4" to 1/2" would lightly shorten the spring. It's been playing great for seven years now so that's the way I would do it.    Marty

Started by DaredevilDave - Last post by DaredevilDave

My website seems to have problems loading on mobile devices, here are some temporary links until I fix it:

The game:

Artwork for front ends:

Started by oldgamesrbetter - Last post by oldgamesrbetter

UPDATE! I changed the CR2032 battery ANNNNND….. same thing happens.. no change… WOMP WOOOOMP

To reiterate… it’s this chord connected to this black connector that I have to adjust to make it start… if it’s not connected.. it doesn’t boot but it’ll make some sounds like the dollar bill slot.

Started by mclovin - Last post by PL1

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Edward Downey of London, Ontario passed away peacefully on Saturday, March 31, 2018 after a valiant health battle at the age of 60.

I'm sure he was our ed12 based on his name, city, age, and date of passing.


Started by nipsmg - Last post by nipsmg

Here's a photo and I added the red lines showing the 6 opto sensors for the 7 targets, plus one additional opto sensor at the entrance to the ball drain.

As mentioned, my best guess is that the center ball breaks the beam on both top opto sensors, whereas the left or right 100 balls will only pass through one of those beams.

So I could PROBABLY swing that somehow... but I have no spare time to address that at the moment.  Let me see if I can swing some time to play with it this weekend.

Started by nipsmg - Last post by nipsmg

Any one have an issue with the program closing its self. If I keep the program up for a bit it just will close. its even closed during a game play.

I think that's a memory leak -- It happened randomly. I might have a build that fixes that, I'll have to check.

Started by nipsmg - Last post by Jstgilstrap

Any one have an issue with the program closing its self. If I keep the program up for a bit it just will close. its even closed during a game play.
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