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Started by shanki - Last post by shanki

I'd be interested in a few of these chips as well, as I definetly want a few of these boards for myself and possibly for friends as well..
Can I hop into youru DMs to discuss?

2   GroovyMAME / Re: GroovyMAME/ARCADE32/64 custom buildon Today at 03:52:57 am

Started by haynor666 - Last post by haynor666

Version 270 is out.

Started by Endprodukt - Last post by Endprodukt

It was indeed admin rights that would open mame in another window.

Now I also checked the cfg's for a few games and there is no old nor new h-position slider setting.

You find a bad screenshot of Alien Sector that has a rather large black border to the right. Another one of MKII that has no border on the right side.

Another game with border would be Alex Kidd but there is too many to list and it's always the right side.

I played around for a long time with the CRT Mode lines and had no success because either one is off or the other. I could go and manually adjust them but the problem with that is that my frontend will lose focus as it basically restarts mame to adjust the modeline if I'm not mistaken.

It's weird, I didn't have these problems in the past.

Started by shanki - Last post by Endprodukt

I raise my hand for interest!

Started by Endprodukt - Last post by Endprodukt

Using a HD7850.

Indeed running as Admin. Recently switched to Win 10.

I will check for old H-Shift corrections but those should also show up in the slider then?

It's not with games from different frequencies. I got those covered. The pstar also has a daughter board for horizontal shift on each frequency. The problem occurs with 15khz games.

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Still no luck, Any modern alternatives to mamewah that operate in a similar fashion?

7   Everything Else / Re: OND's other projects on Yesterday at 01:13:48 pm

Started by Ond - Last post by bobbyb13

Very fun to stumble onto some Ond content!
Sure I'm late to this, but work is in the way of everything right now.

The elements to make things more than just utilitarian are the details I love the most.
Elegant embellishments on the form follows function paradigm are always so cool.

I at least will look forward to seeing some speaker unit production!

Started by thisispatrick - Last post by Calamity

Make sure you installed this package: "CRT Emudriver & CRT Tools 2.0 beta 15 (Crimson 16.2.1 non-GCN* cards) for Windows 7/8/10 64-bits"

That cards looks a bit special, it has DP instead of HDMI, not usual. Of course, grab a new VGA cable, a normal home should have spare VGA cables in every drawer.

Started by Endprodukt - Last post by Calamity

Make sure there's no rest of old H-shift corrections, these are recorded in the game's cfg. You shouldn't get shift differences in games that share the same frequency range (i.e. 15 kHz). Games shown on another range may be shifted, like those in the 24 kHz range. Different crt_ranges in a multi-sync monitor preset can be tuned so that their relative shift is compensated, making manual adjustments unnecessary. The existing pstar preset was tuned to fit my (long gone) Polostar.

MAME doesn't launch a second cmd window here. It sounds like you might be launching MAME with admin rights... is that a pre-HD5000 card?

Started by flybynight - Last post by Kaneda06

Hello guy

I have 2 pc for play network (with model 2.3 , teknoparot etc )


If i good understand

I go to mame.ini and modify

For pc 1 :

comm_localport            15111
comm_remotehost           PC2
comm_remoteport           15112
comm_framesync            0

And for pc 2 :

PC#2 Right side, Car 2, hostname: PC2 mame.ini settings:

comm_localport            15112
comm_remotehost           PC1
comm_remoteport           15111
comm_framesync            0

It's correct ?

I need to start by Mame or by batch files ?

linkup1_to_2.bat for pc1
linkup2_to_1.batfor pc2

Big thanks

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