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11   Automated Projects / Re: Automationon Yesterday at 10:27:17 pm

Started by Ropi Jo - Last post by DaOld Man

Sorry about the old thread bump, but Ive been working with servos to mechanically switch the  joysticks between 4 and 8 way, based on game (or emulator) selected.
I use control choose  (Mala plugin) to set the servos.
Might post some pics later.

Started by Lingwendil - Last post by DaOld Man

Very interesting. Any more pics?

Started by delta88 - Last post by DaOld Man

I was testing fix it felix on my cabinet.
Its a great game, good work Howard.
And thanks for posting it here.
I think my copy is Version 5.1.

14   Software Forum / Re: I fixed it Felix, Anyone have a copy ?on Yesterday at 07:55:16 pm

Started by delta88 - Last post by Howard_Casto


Started by delta88 - Last post by Howard_Casto

Sorry, I recently had a hard drive fail on me and I had to hunt down a copy.   The latest version is attached.   

Started by arcadesteve123 - Last post by pbj

Get the X-Arcade encoder and you won't have these issues.

Your issues are why I always used a joystick encoder for one player, and a keyboard encoder for the other.


Started by arcadesteve123 - Last post by PL1

However...paradise is short lived as it seems that my mapping is now off.  When putting everything back together I swapped usb ports on the computer and somehow messed up the tankstick player controls. P1 on the left is now on the right and P2 is on the left as shown...ugh.

Hopefully there is an easy workaround?
This is the USB device renumbering issue I mentioned earlier.
Since the encoder PCBs are different from each other, they probably have different USB IDs which should make it easier to avoid the USB device renumbering issue.

You may want to trace the USB cables and mark which one is for P1, which is for P2 and which is for the trackball.
First gamepad that Windows sees is assigned Joy 1, the second is Joy 2, etc.

The quick and dirty way to (probably) fix it is to:
- Unplug both gamepad USB cables.  Label them P1 and P2 for future reference.
- Reboot the system.
- Plug in P1 gamepad.
- Wait a few seconds then plug in P2 gamepad.

If the gamepad numbers are always reversed on reboot, do the above but swap USB sockets for P1 and P2.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to do it the hard way -- find your two gamepad encoder IDs and use them with MAME's "mapdevice" function in a controller configuration XML file.


Started by delta88 - Last post by PL1

Im working on a FiF build and I do have a .exe to run but I wanted to try the Dragon king's rework of fix it felix. The link on his page is dead and I was looking to see if anyone had a copy. Thanks!!
I thought that was covered in your earlier thread.
Anyone have a copy on the googles drive? The link on the DG page is dead.. thanks :)
Here's a link to Howard's wrapper for FIFJ on


Started by Titchgamer - Last post by MrThunderwing

Apologies for a bit of a necro post, but I finally got to give this a try with a full 4 player Vs game at the weekend (using the PS4 version, not the patched PC version). Such a simple concept, but, oh man, so much fun!

Started by delta88 - Last post by delta88

Im working on a FiF build and I do have a .exe to run but I wanted to try the Dragon king's rework of fix it felix. The link on his page is dead and I was looking to see if anyone had a copy. Thanks!!
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