Ran across a "last call before part out and 60in1" ad on klov for a Midway Space Invaders cab for $200 a little over an hour drive from me. It was complete and played blind with some missing sounds. I had been looking for and SI dlx cab for some time but they don't come up at all, but this one looked like it had potential. Made contact with seller and arranged for pick up on saturday. Got to the guys place and witnessed arcade hoarding at its finest
(4000sq ft worth) very cool guy with neat stuff. Got the deal done and drove home.... yay!
Original sale thread:
http://forums.arcade-museum.com/showthread.php?t=302431What I came home with.
Well, along with playing blind it would also freak out with a very loud hum and static from the speaker after being powered on at the 4 minute mark. Tried two different monitors pulling video signal from the edge connector and was getting no sign of life at all on output. Pulled the harness, power block, ps board and board set and laid eveything out on a table and did some more voltage checking and other prodding but all signs lead to deeper issues with the board set that is above my scope.
Now, I found myself at the arcade crossroads of start blindly ordering parts or send board set off for a costly repair and find myself with an extra $400 spent on something that wouldn't even fetch $400 working. That's where having extra computers, 19" monitors and ipacs laying around comes in handy. I gave the cab a good bath in simple green and a good vacumming along with new marquee and blacklight bulbs. I currently have an lcd monitor just resting on the wood mounts for the crt, perfect height and angle even the original black cardboard bezel lays over it nicely. I'm waiting for a VGA to CGA converter to come in to put a crt to use that I have sittin on the shelf. I wired a new 12pin midway molex connector to the ipac so I didn't have to touch the original control panel wiring or harness connector.
The mame config with the mirror was easy, but after a couple searches on byoac I quickly learned mala doesn't do X Y flipping
. Didn't want to learn another front end just to have a list of 9 games. I then had the idea to build a layout just based on graphics created, edited and flipped so I could use mala with the mirror.
The large game titles are images created and used as "marquee pics". The 2 instruction prompts are just 2 user defined images along with game screen caps. Fire starts game / fire + start2 adds credit / 1 + 2 start exits game.
Cleaned up nicely and looks great in the line up! Glad I caught that ad on klov.
good day.