Thought I would add some pictures of my junk box conversion of a harvard home skeeball machine. I call it junkbox because I got the table for 20 on facebook marketplace and everything I added was mostly stuff I had laying around.
- 3d printed and laser cut side control box added with 3 buttons to control the software (up/down/select/back)
- Tweaked the software a bit to remove the ball limits in most games and requirements for 100 points (which this board doesn't have)
- Running on a cheap T620 thin client /win 10 - A few tweaks to auto login in and if it detects a resolution crash it restarts the app
- A raspberry pi pico interfaces with the existing sensor switches- translating scores to keyboard values (as well as managing the control buttons)
- 3d printed monitor mount that fits in the hole of the original score board
The family enjoys it - surprisingly hard to score on the 30-50 on this thing though.. need to keep an eye out for a broken real one