Hello, I've seen some people that wanted skjukebox 3.0 because they find it more
stable, but couldn't use it because of the missing "R" in the onscreen
So here's how to fix it.
(I don't want to attach the exe file, since I'm not the author...)
the tough part is to find where to do the modification,
then it's only a matter of changing the "E" for an "R"
Here's the steps (it only take a minute if you're familiar with a binary
editor such as UltraEdit-32)
1. backup the original skjukebox.exe (in case you screw something up...)
2. Open the file with a binary editor (ex: UltraEdit-32)
3. Go at address 2EEF0h (hexadecimal byte address) and change the "E"
(code=45) for "R" (code=52)
4. save the file.
That's it.
Give it a try and look at your fixed Onscreen Keyboard.
I've included some snapshot to illustrate the fix...