So as you know the Fix It Felix Jr program for PC did not have all the complete sounds, ie Ralph talking at the beginning of the level etc.
I created this sound pack so it makes the game more accurate to the film.
Download here: It Felix Jr. Sound pack by Psiomicron
Audio added:
Ralph entering his stump
Bulldozer sound
Ralph voice for moving his stump
Ralph banging on stump
Crane sounds when leaving
Citizens hopping sounds moving in
Start sequence:
Ralph stomping noise
Ralph voice gonna wreck it
Citizen voice yells when window breaks and when thrown
Citizens voice yells to fix it Felix
Fix it Felix voice going to fix it
Level Beat:
Metal acquire
Ralph yelling on the way down
Ralph spinning on the way down
Back up audio files in the Fix It Felix Jr. "Data" folder. Copy contents from zip (rar) folder the Fix It Felix Jr. "Data" folder, over write as needed.