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Author Topic: [Guide] Add systems to Maximus Arcade ( Wii, Gamecube, Nintendo Ds, and Naomi )  (Read 68824 times)

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  • Last login:January 25, 2013, 08:23:51 pm
If you would like to, you can download the Following Skin/Theme for Maximus (I simply labeled it Maximus Arcade 6) that already has included the art for the systems I list here.  Don't use this them if you use DOSbox, T1-99 calculator, visual pinball, or Sinclair. <-- the theme is setup for 1200 X 700 Screen Resolution.  If you use a different setting you'll have to go into the theme editor to center and resize the images for your screen size.  I recently upgraded to a different monitor and noticed this.  If anyone knows how I can save it to automatically do this please let me know.

Keep in mind that in order to integrate new systems I took out old systems.  So if you use these themes keep in mind which systems have been replaced for the newer systems.  Also, you need to have the emulators running outside of Maximus Arcade. If you can't figure that out please search and and find the guides for each emulator.  Each emulator has specific guides and forums that can provide help. The hyperspin board has people who are pretty knowledgeable about makaron (the naomi emulator).  I will post this in the Maximus Arcade forums once I finish this and refine it, but at the moment it seems that most people who could use it are here on byoac (since Maximus is not as frequented anymore).

Also to give everyone a frame of reference Here are my system specs
2.6 ghz i7
ati radeon 4850
8 gb ram
64bit, Windows 7

Ok so here are the systems I used to install the new emulators (I put the emulators I used in parenthesis)

Texas Instruments tI-99/4 => Nintendo Wii ( Dolpin_2.0_RC1_x64)
Visual Pinball => Naomi (Makaron T13)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum => Nintendo DS (no$gba 2.6a and no$zoomer)
DOSbox => Nintendo Gamecube (same as Nintendo Wii)

Nintendo Gamecube and Nintendo Wii

I used the latest revision of the Dolphin emulator to install the Gamecube and Wii.  For those new to this emulator, the Dolphin emulator started off as a gamecube emulator and was later expanded to include Nintendo Wii games.  To have good emulation, you need a pretty fast cpu (not necessarily the best graphics card). Notice that tatsunoko vs capcom runs pretty slow on my system (2.6 ghz i7, ati radeon 4850, 8 gbs ram, 64bit, Windows 7)

recommended cpu speed for gamecube =?? for Nintendo Wii = 3.0hz dual core


Let's start off with the gamecube first.  Before setting it up in Maximus you want to make sure you have games launch into full screen automatically.

Ok now launch Maximus Arcade and then pres ctrl p to go into the preferences.

  • 1st go to the DOSbox config screen
  • 2nd enter the path to Dolphin.exe for the executable and the path to your rom folder
  • 3rd in the command line box put "/e %file"
  • 4th change the art, if you downloaded my theme you are done. I moved the system to be right after n64, you might want to do the same

Nintendo Wii

Follow the same steps I outlined for the gamecube, but using the Texas Instrument Config screen.


Ok for this one  you have one step to do before setting it up in maximus arcade

    open the Makaron .ini file and edit the file so that it reads "fullscreen=1" it usually will say "fullscreen=0" setting it to 1 makes it launch into fullscreen.

    For this system you simply
    • 1st. Go to the Visual Pinball Config Screen
    • 2nd. Setup the executable and point it to the naomi.exe and point the roms paths to wherever you have your paths

    That's it, you may have to setup your controllers outside of Maximus, that's a whole issue on it's own.  I have found helpful guides on the Hyperspin boards.

Nintendo DS

The Nintendo DS takes the most time to setup, I will provide a mini guide to setting up no$zoomer.

1st. Download No$zoomer and no$gba 2.6a (you have to donate to get the latest version.  I believe the donation is 2 or 3 dollars).

2nd. Open no$zoomer and it will ask you to point it to the no$gba.exe, navigate no$zoomer and point it to this.

3rd. Open no$zoomer, run a game as a test, does it work? If your answer is yes, move on, if not try step 1 and 2 again.

4th. Under Options check off "start in full screen"

5th. Under "Other" go to Key Assignments.  You Want to assign the following keys to buttons on your control panel (if you never want to make one screen fullscreen and always want to see both screens you can skip 5a and 5b)

5a. Separate Window -  Under the key assignments look under "View Options", this will break the the two screens apart.  If you press the key (whatever key you assign to this option) again, it will stack them back on top of each other vertically. When you are in fullscreen mode, this makes the main screen full-screen and separates the bottom screen.  Most likely the bottom screen will be blocking your view, luckily you can freely re-size the second screen.  I resized it a tiny size and placed it in the black border on the left.  no$zoomer will remember where you left it and at what size, from now on it will always resize the bottom screen and put it on the left when you separate the windows.

5b. Replace the Screen - Under the View options, this will make the bottom screen the top screen.  This is useful when the bottom screen is the main screen.

Ok, you're done setting up the emulator.

To setup the Nintendo DS..

  • 1st. Go to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum
  • 2nd. Setup the executable and point it to the no$zoomer.exe and point the roms paths to wherever you have your paths
  • 3rd. Make sure to add .nds to "media extensions" in maximus arcade when in the sinclair menu in maximus arcade on the "configuration" tab, and the tab near the bottom of the screen "scan". Put ".nds" there with the other file extensions listed.  Otherwise it won't know the nds games are roms and will never scan them.  Hence, it won't show up.
  • 4th. On the "Exit" tab under the "configuration" tab in maximus arcade, I checked the box next to "close specific processes opened during launch" and entered "No$gba.exe,No$zoomer.exe". (You can add xpadder to that list if you use it) It exits properly now.  Woo hoo!


Additional TIPS

  • Make sure to click off rescan folder option in Maximus Arcade
  • Make sure you can run games outside of Maximus before trying to run them inside Maximus
  • Don't forget to assign the player 1 and player 2 buttons
  • Make sure to add the appropriate extensions for the game types
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 12:21:17 pm by DeLuSioNal29 »


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Yeah I'd appreciate comments on how to make it clearer.  Also keep in mind that in the video of the gamecube my joystick was acting funny.. it was an issue with the 360 controller and not the emulator.  I've had issues like that with it before in other emulators.  Not sure why.


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Maybe you can help me figure out visual pinball and future pinball...

I just don't get how to use those two programs.  And I can never find a place to find complete tables.  I always seem to get tables that are incomplete or are a wip... it would be nice to be able to download them in sets (but I guess the community is against this).

anyone know a good place to get future pinball tables from?


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saint's note - no links to ROM sites please
Good place for either pinball sets.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 12:12:51 pm by saint »


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Thanks for the feedback

I forgot to put that, You can also check off "close all processes on exit" something like that.  It closes all the processes that started when you launched the game.


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Which frontend did you use for visual pinball?


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Maximus Arcade does Both Future, and Visual Pinball.


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Yeah got it, I misread something and thought you needed a frontend in order to run vpinball

I am focusing on future pinball, since I can at least get those tables to load.  Once they load though.. by keys don't work. I configured future pinball to keyboard keys... but I can't put in a coin, and it won't let me start.. and the plunger won't work.  I'm not sure why the keys won't work.

I think I always thought the tables I downloaded were unfinished, but it turns out that what really is happening is that I don't know how to put in a coin and start the game.  I'm not sure what i'm missing...


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yup, I even went into the config screen to make sure..

maybe it's an issue with the tables I'm using, but every single table has this issue


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Shatteredsoul- that is f'in NICE!  Really good stuff.  But geez man, dual core i7, 8 GB(!) of ram and wii running slow?  That's insane.  I don't know  much about that video card since I'm not really a hard core pc gamer...whenever I build a box all I care about is raw processing power- bus speeds, cpu and memory :)

Anyway, I'm building a box to run mame/ggpo/pc games on a blast city cab.  I was thinking of adding support for my 360 and possibly wii for TvC at some point- but I never knew there was a wii emulator.  If it's only running at arcade monitor resolutions- like 640x480, I wonder if I could get smooth play.  My setup 2.8ghz core 2 duo, arcadevga 3000 (basically a modified Radeon HD2400), and only 2 GB ram, which I might have to up.


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Hey nickynooch,

I'm using T12_2, which has an integrated loader.  Try using that instead. Here's the link

I'm not too sure the pc section will work since you want maximus to launch an exe and then point that exe to your rom.  The pc section needs no exe so if you want to integrate it there you have to make a batch file for the games you hope to use. The newest verion of Makaron can run some of the mame zip files (marvel vs capcom 2 for example), but still mostly runs best with the dat files. There's a compatibility thread on the hyperspin forum somewhere.

The funnest part is reconfiguring the control panel (and by funnest I mean worst) ;)

let me know how it goes.


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Hmm I don't know if player 2 is in the default.. i'm not at my pc right now so I can't check but check the file that's something like jvs.ini .. you should be able to tell if player 1 and 2 are configured (even if you can't read the code)


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That's strange, and this is using makaron? or demul? Using makaron I just set it up and erased all the command line.  I think I used dosbox or commodore 64.

I'm using makaron and haven't tried naomi games with demul. Sometimes some of the emulators wont' let you integrate new systems (mame, zinc, neo geo, for example).  Try using dosbox.  When I get home I'll let you know exactly what my settings are. 


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Here are my settings and my makaron file.  I included the makaron file in case there's something different about then one I have, I took out the bios and roms though  :angel: From the pic you can see I have no special options

also it might help you to know that my player 1 and 2 config is as follows

p1 joy

up = up


are configured as


player 2


« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 12:39:15 am by shateredsoul »


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hhmmmm yeah I get what you mean, I can't say I have played enough to test that out.  Usually I'm lazy and stick with game i don't have to change settings with... I believe that demul may save settings per game (I think , not sure about that).  Maybe there's a way to do that via command line? but then you'd have to go through making a batch file for everygame...

Hmm, i'll keep you updated if I do figure something out


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Yeah it's no big deal. I'll have the "naomi" section of my maximus to basically be 2 player only games.  Then if there are any games with 1 player required I want I'll just run those as batch files.... running off a different instance of makaron that is configured for 1 player.  Just hope I can figure out the batch file, but that shouldn't be tough though.


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Yeah it's no big deal. I'll have the "naomi" section of my maximus to basically be 2 player only games.  Then if there are any games with 1 player required I want I'll just run those as batch files.... running off a different instance of makaron that is configured for 1 player.  Just hope I can figure out the batch file, but that shouldn't be tough though.

Yeah it should be pretty easy to do the batch file, if you can't let me know and I'll see if I can help.


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  • I want to build my own arcade controls!
Hello everyone, first post here...

I know this may be a dead post from 3 years ago... but I have scoured the web for DAYS trying to find a backup of this theme ... does ANYONE still have it and would be willing to send it to me since megaupload went the way of the dinosaur?  Shateredsoul posted a long time ago on his blog that he has since moved on from MA to another frontend and never backed up his theme for reposting elsewhere,

I'm trying to add the Gamecube to Maximus and I have absolutely no artistic talent.  I love that he kept the original theme's layout, yet FINALLY gives a system choice screen for Gamecube. 

If no one still has this one, or would be willing to share, maybe you can recommend a good one that would include NGC??  I've even tried to contact spacegoogie to see if I can purchase his... but never got a response.



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  • I want to build my own arcade controls!
I have added DS, GameCube (Dolphin 4.0), and Wii (Dolphin 4.0) to my Maximus Arcade config.  I used DOSBox for GameCube, Sinclair for DS, and Texas Instruments for Wii.  Each has corresponding emulator graphics.  I can send you the MA theme I made.  Let me know.  Steve


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  • I want to build my own arcade controls!
Here guys, I made one really quick. It doesnt have the right icons once you go into the wii and gamecube devices but I dont really care.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 12:08:07 pm by mccorkled »


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  • Hyperspin/Maximus
hey this is great now the big question is how do we set emulators (path) to run outside MAximus Arcade


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  • I want to build my own arcade controls!
I Know this is an old threat.... Can someone help me out?

I realy need to run  atomiswave on maximus.
can someone explain to me how.