Cabinet IDs are 1-4. Cabinet 1 is configured as master, the other as slave. Country is USA and type is "twin".
I am using 4 identical i5-6500 CPUs (2 machines use different GPUs tough).
The network check is successful on all 4 machines. Ingame it reports "up to 2 players can play" in attract mode.
I also checked the the manual. Interestingly, the wiring diagram for 4 players looks like P1->P3->P4->P2. Do I have to change the Cabinet-ID and .ini IPs acordingly? Since the SR2 diagram looks the same, I guess it should be working, tough.
Probably I just messed up some setting. Is Scud Race known to work in 4 player mode with supermodel? Just wanted to make sure before
investing more time. Thanks!