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Author Topic: Snyder Cut is surprisingly not crap but... #ReleaseTheCastoCut (Spoilers)  (Read 4500 times)

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Ok so to everyone's amazement the Snyder cut is a vast improvement  over the theatrical release.   That being said it's frikkin four hours long and Snyder's --cream-filled twinkie-- tendencies are in full display here so let's see if we can trim it down to an even better cut.   I'm just going to assume you've watched the new version and list what I would change, so if you haven't this isn't going to make any sense.  Let's just go down a list.  These aren't in order because the thing is frikkin four hours long and I can no longer remember the exact order of scenes.   

1.  Saturate the film back up to theatrical levels.   I feel like I watched the thing through a damn mud puddle.
2.  The female choir singing needs to be cut down to a minimum.... I think a little of it in the amazon sequence would be ok.   
3.  Superman activating the boxes doesn't make any sense...  Instead make victor's resurrection scene activate the box close to when the events of the film take place (Not immediately after BvS) .... this will make the timeline move up on his story, he would have just been turned into cyborg, but it shouldn't alter his overall arc significantly.   
4.  Instead of having the Amazonians seemingly take shifts guarding the mother box around the clock, weapons drawn for thousands of years, have the cube blip to life for a split second during the cyborg sequence, which the TWO guards posted to the box notice and go get the others.   Then the sequence occurs just as it did in the Snyder cut. 
5.  The Snyder cut arrow scene is too damn long.   Have the exposition about Diana knowing what it is then fire the damn arrow and that's it.   Basically keep the Whedon version of this scene.
6.  The Aquaman recruitment scene is great, but cut the people singing and the creepy girl smelling his sweater (which definitely just smells like fish and man sweat).
7.  The flash introduction sequence is great, but again, too damn long.  Have it start in the pet shop and he sees iris out the window, then the accident, then a little bit of the slow motion sequence.   No hipster song or longing stares at a wiener needed thanks.
8.  Dasaad should be humanish and human sized, ditto for Granny Goodness but she needs to be fatter.   Maybe let's have some exposition that explains WHY Darkseid banished Steppenwolf at some point in the film.   
9.  The flash back to the battle with Darkseid needs to be even more epic so he doesn't come off as weak.    Multiple lanterns.... all the greek gods not just two, ect.   Perhaps as multiple people hold Darkseid down he calls to Steppenwolf for help and the guy chickens out and that is why he gets banished.   
10.  When victor's powers are being visualized by his dad, maybe the symbols aren't so on the nose?   A Bear fighting a Bull for the stock market... come on man.   
11.  When cyborg hacks the facility holding the ship, have him fake a fire alarm instead.   Everybody knows from movies that automated systems lock you inside a facility in the event of an outbreak, not force an evacuation.   
12.   Drastically cut the length of the resurrection sequence inside the ship.   Way too much slow motion and building tension when nothing is going on.  Just have the cube drop in the fluid to which cyborg tells the flash that he missed it, to which he replies, no I didn't.   Then we get the bit of the slow motion sequence where he rewinds time slightly and restarts the cube.  The nightmare scenarios can be kept, but let's get on with it..... maybe have cyborg momentarily go offline after the jumpstart, then we get the sequences, then back to reality.
13.   In the earlier Lois sequence where she went to visit the monument have the camera linger on the cop as she walks away and show a bit of red shine in the side mirror hinting at something.
14.   In the Marth and Lois sequence where she talks about moving away keep everything the same, just cut the manhunter b.s.  MM shouldn't know any of the details he gives in that conversation and it undercuts the emotional impact anyway.
15.  Cut the scene where superman flys over the city for a second.   When he bursts out of the ship cut back to the cop.  His phone rings and the person calling is a military person just outside the ship.   The cop's eyes glow red and he morphs into the general from man of steel and he answers the phone.   Yes this is the appropriate person to be the Martian Manhunter.  You see a shot of him looking over at Lois in the corner coffee shop and the scene ends.
16.  In the Supes vs JL scene Wonder Women calls him Clark as Kal-el isn't the correct name in this universe.
17.  Now when Lois shows up it's implied that the Manhunter went and got her, or we can make it more obvious and have him drive her to the site.  Instead of garbage Snyderverse music the Superman and Lois flight music from the OG 70's Superman is subtly played and they zip off.
18.   I forgot about this earlier, but Wonder Woman doesn't frikkin murder a bunch of bank robbers in her introduction sequence.   The rest of it is fine.   Her theme is actually ok as well, unlike all the other characters.
19.  Aquaman's boat rescue doesn't need a slow motion hipster vinyl sequence.  Have it slow motion when he bursts out of the water and a slow motion reaction shot by the guy he's saving then the rest is normal speed.
20.  Nearly all Aquaman/Atlantis scenes need reshot to ditch Mira's accent and the dumb idea of having to create a bubble of air to talk underwater as it doesn't make sense now that the Aquaman film has been released.   
21.  Steppenwolf still has the conversation where he found the anti-life equation, but he just found it as it's stupid to think they invaded a planet to get it thousands of years ago and then just forgot where the planet was.  Instead they never knew it was there in the first place.
22.   When Superman appears in front of Steppenwolf have the Donner Superman theme play instead as it isn't garbage.   When he flew up to the sun in the previous scene have the pre-score orchestration used in some of those films play so we build up to it.   
23.   Batman doesn't really kill but since the exposition explains that parademons are basically zombies earlier in the film I'll allow it.   When all the characters are running alongside the batmobile have the JLU theme (from the cartoon) play a few bars.  When Batman and the flash are outside have the Tim Burton batman theme play.   This time when Barry gets stopped during his run the parademons swarm him.   Batman shoots them off except for one.... he runs to get it throwing a batarang and freeing Flash but the parademons tackle and start eating Batman zombie style.   He says "Run Barry Run!" as they kill him.   This gives Batman something useful to do in the final sequence.   
24.  Everybody dies like in the Snyder cut and like in that cut Barry turns back time and saves them.   Those "aaaaahhhh" singers would be appropriate here again.   Once time is rewound supes and the JL make short work of Steppenwolf but they do NOT brutally murder him.   Instead he ends up at the opposite end of the boomtube portal .... Supes punches him back a few feet then Aquaman summons a torrent of water pushing him back further until he runs out of water.   Then we pan up so only the upper body of Steppenwolf can be shown..... in slow motion Batman swoops into frame, and gets punched away.... then Wonder Woman does the braclet thing but the force of it knocks her back.   Each time Steppenwolf gets knocked back just a little more.   Barry comes in with a lightning punch but Steppenwolf grabs him by the neck and gloats a little.   He says "All of that and you could barely nudge me"  and Batman "Replies.... are you sure about that?"   We hear an arming sound and pan down to see that Bat's stuck a  giant ass bomb on the front of Steppenwolf's armor."   Batman yells "Barry now" and Flash kicks away from Steppenwolf while he's distracted, Bruce pulls the trigger and the bomb goes off, knocking him through the portal. 
25.  Fallen at Darkseid's feet Steppenwolf begs him to allow for a second chance to go back through the portal he gets an Omega Beam through the skull for his failure as the portal closes.... but maybe we just see the portal closing for now...   
26.   Most of the epilogue happens pretty much the same except supes is in the red and blue suit in his sequence and it all happens AFTER the nightmare scene to end on a positive note.   Any hint of a pregnancy is removed btw as Superman is Jesus and thus should never have kids.
27.   Luthor scene plays out mostly the same except Luthor says he wants to introduce Death Stroke to some friends and the camera pans to reveal founding members of the Legion of Doom.
28.   Nightmare sequence starts but as "are you sure we should bring him along" is said a parademon jump scare occurs and Bruce wakes up.
29.   Martian Manhunter sequence is mostly unchanged except MM mentions that he's been watching everyone for a long time and wasn't sure who to trust.   As he leaves he mentions that "For today I have some friends to introduce you to." And Hal Jordon (played by Ryan Renolds) John Stewart and Killowog  fly down.   Bruce shakes Hal's hand as the camera slowly flys away.   Then we get those epilogue scenes and the narration.   
30.   The sequence where Steppenwolf begs for his life and Darkseid says "we'll do this the old way" is moved to a post credit scene... teasing for a sequel. 
31.   The second post credits scene cuts back to the nightmare, revealing the Joker is the guy on the car and the sequence finishes.  Nightmare sequence is mostly the same except Bruce doesn't cuss and doesn't threaten to kill the Joker as Batman doesn't kill even if they are scum. They ask why Bruce brought the Joker and the Joker replies "Because somewhere in this warped little noodle of mine is the key to it all."  His eyes start to glow and we can see an Omega symbol in their reflection.... thus teasing for part 3 to Snyder's planned JL trilogy. 

What do you guys think?   Any other suggestions?   Comments, ect??

« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 01:52:07 am by Howard_Casto »


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All I know is isn’t there a cut where they digitally drew ---uvulas--- on all the cats?

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I am still struggling to watch it.  Four hours is a bit long considering you pretty much got what it was all about in about two.

Reminds me of the extended version of Watchman.


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The cgi in the movie is waaaay to much. Felt like I was watching an animated film. My brain didn't like the visuals.


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It could of just been 4 hours of the Amazon's in action and I would of been happy. 😁


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4:3 is an automatic pass for me considering I hated the original version and this one is 4 hours long.  4 hours.  Jesus Christ.

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The cgi in the movie is waaaay to much. Felt like I was watching an animated film. My brain didn't like the visuals.

The cgi wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the prevalence of "uncanny valley" throughout.  It's like they knew it was going direct to streaming, so they cut down on the rendering time by rushing animations and cropping a bunch of the screen real estate.  Artistic vision, or cost mitigation?  The world may never know.

I was still mildly entertained.