Half price dust washers are [here].I'm now offering coloured/tinted/mirrored button bezels, dustwashers and also drilling guides.
I can make the bezels and washers out of any of the following colours:
Solid colours:
The bezels are made from 3mm acrylic. The template I have at the moment is for the 'standard' 3x3 Jap button layout (8th one down on Slagcoin, see [
These are some green and mirrored ones I have just finished for a customer:

The bezels are hand template routed, 3.2mm beveled and then hand polished with 320,600,800,1200 grit emery and then polished to a high gloss with Novus 3 and 2.
Prices for the bezels are $12 each + actual shipping.
The bezels holes are available in three sizes - 28mm or 1 1/8th (for 'Happ' style buttons) and 30mm for Seimtsu/Sanwa or other 30mm buttons.
Obviously these bezels are only suitable for new panels as the holes are unlikely to line up with existing panels (unless you have CNC or very accurately drilled yours to the same dimensions) as the hole centers are well within 0.004".
To aid drilling your CP to line up with the bezels I'm also offering drilling guides. You can screw or stick these to your CP and use them to guide your drill so that everything lines up perfectly.
As with the bezels, these are available with 28mm, 1 1/8" or 30mm holes depending on what buttons/drill you are using.

I will include a drill guide for free with four bezels or more. Other wise they are $8 each.
I can also make bezels for other button layouts. If there is interest for at least five bezels of a particular layout I will make a template to produce them.
I'm also offering dustwashers made out of the same materials. They can be any size (inner and out diameters). They are also template routed and given the same polishing treatment.
Here are some 55mm OD/9.5mm ID pink and mirrored ones for the U360/JLW:

Prices for these are $6 + actual shipping.