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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2006, 06:49:51 pm »
::cough:: thats not what it sounded like heh... anyways i posted a torrent for those who want them
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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2006, 08:45:00 pm »
thx for the torrent link nullboy,  I hope it is ok for me to download.  I mean I am a complete stranger and you are willing to share your links.  Dont you think you will be causing the beginning of WW III by letting me have access to something completely free?  And of course nullboy this is not directed at you...... but it is to 'FANTOBOY'

Well for what it is worth, I have never had any of you (kool kids) over to have a brew  :cheers:  some, if not all, are welcomed.  I have learned 9 time out of 10 it is how you carry yourself.  And I dont consider people who are offering advise a stranger but rather someone I have never met face-to-face. I have bought items and sent money to people on this forum and it has been great!!  The world is to big to have everyone in your game room  ;D

There is never a need to act like your S  :censored: t doesnt stink.  When emulation first started you think people were saying, 'I have spent 'x' amount of time to just give this to a stranger........  :soapbox:

My two cents is, you started a topic and obviously wanted a reaction from --what---strangers.  The irony.

I am glad the true emu-makers do not have this attitude  :lame:

I was going to stay reserved but it is just too funny now.  Well give me 7 more days and I will have a smooth running system too   :angel:


M.U.G.E.N. / Wingen (hint  use this in a search and you will find a lot more stuff for free I might add) Mugen is free and if someone makes a character or rips from an exsiting game, it is okay to share.  That is what this site is all about sharing not saying, My D  :censored: K is bigger than yours.  And I have been strokin it like so....... Dude save da drama.  We are all here for the same thing!! The making the gaming community fun and better. Nothing more and nothing less.

Like I said what took you seven years to build, someone if not me will build it in seven days

« Last Edit: April 13, 2006, 09:13:34 pm by whatzcrackn »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2006, 11:53:11 pm »
I don't understand the sudden piling on against fantoboy. A whole lot of us never even heard of MUGEN till he started this thread. If he doesn't want to share his build of the game, then that's his right.

Thanks to nullb0y for coming through with the torrent link.


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #43 on: April 14, 2006, 01:35:15 am »
I've been talking to fantoboy and we came to an agreement on a trade for his version of mugen.  His first request for what he wanted was pretty crazy, none of which was stuff I had, but I told him what I did have and he was fine with taking that.  I'm not going to list what exactly I traded, but lets just say its software I had already acquired for my arcade cabinet.  We'll be making the dvds and sending the dvds to each other soon, and when I get mugen I post an update of what I think about it.


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2006, 03:00:29 am »
Oh give me a break.   :lame:

Perhaps I can send some dvds out.  I need some things and perhaps a barter system can be arranged.  PM me or shoot me an email.


Sorry If I don't feel like just handing over 7 years of work to some stranger online.

This is why mugen isn't something that everyone's heard about, and why fantoboy (and probably almost every mugen "author") deserves a bit of ripping here.

This is what the mugen scene is like - "Authors" (I use the term loosely) only want certain pieces released under certain conditions - be it respect / praise / money / whatever.  They want you to download content from their personal sites except a lot haven't been doing anything if even maintaining their pages for years.  You see a lot of 404 errors when trying to download.  Characters and Stages are lost except for all the "poke"mugen collectors who got them, and a lot prefer you get them yourself because they had to and they don't really want to give you what they have (unless you've got something they want but where did their "respect" for the authors go then?).  There's hoarding all over the place, and sharing for the sake of sharing and helping others isn't at the top of everyone's list.

Not to mention again that winmugen itself is a leaked beta and the characters are rips - but we already know that.

This isn't entirely unlike what emulation resembled in it's earlier days - lots of different emu authors wanting to compete but not help each other, ROM hoarding (and it's still there with certain unreleased roms), etc.  I think it was MAME (and really open source in general) that set the example and set the tone for things the way they are today.  Devs working together or individually to make the whole better.

Mugen is over 7 years old by his statement - just imagine for a second how good it would be if the same lead was taken and there wasn't fruitless competition and hoarding between the people involved with it (and inevitable lost time / work / content).  Imagine if everyone that worked on it for 7 years contributed their work.  Imagine how much bigger and more fun it would be if it was easier for newbs to get everything they needed to get started right away, and that inspired them to contribute as well.

But instead they'd rather their mugen was better than everyone else's.   Too much l33tness.

btw - if anyone wants a huge mugen build (the one I tried out), just google "ultimate xmugen pack" and you'll have around 700 characters.  Once again though, a lot of characters are in different games for a good reason (you'll see).
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 03:09:50 am by tetsu96 »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #45 on: April 14, 2006, 03:22:28 am »
Seriously, I gave you guys all the links you need to start your own mugen and get plenty of characters.  The mugen guild has links to all new releases.  There's plenty of torrents out there also.  It's a different story if you expect me to burn my hard work onto a dvd and go to the post office and mail it.   I don't understand why it seems so normal for you guys to think I should just do this for you.  I work a full time job, I'm buying a house, and I have a girlfriend.  That leaves little time for me to work on my mugen and a cabinet, let alone waste time on doing errands for you strangers.  I really didn't ask much for my work, and I didn't start this thread to try to sell my mugen to you guys.  Everything you need is in those links above.  I tried to work out something with nullboy, but he has a poor grasp of how to communicate in English (which I'm afraid might actually be his native language).  I kept asking him what exactly he was trying to offer me, and he kept responding with extremely vague descriptions.  I was willing to trade for just complete snapshot sets!  He said he had some, I asked which ones.

I wish I saved my end of the conversation, but it basically went like this:

what are you offering?  I'll take full romsets, screenshot sets, or movie sets.

i have screen shots... movies would be redicilous plus theres alot of sets most people record their own for what they want them for... anyways id be willing to send it out if you sent me ur mugen dvd

I'll take the screenshot sets.  What romsets are they for, and are they complete sets?

erm mame plus, roms, snapshots, cabinet pics, cp pics, info, flyers No videos

ok.. do you have full sets, or do you have like 5 screenshots of your favorite games?

keep forgetting? its mame i said i have mame and snaps ect...... mame 0.100

I've actually accepted trading alotta the same stuff from various people, because that's all they have.  It gives everyone an opportunity to get the mugen from me, and I get material for my cabinet.  All of those people were fortunate enough to have the ability to express what they were offering me in text form.   It's really not my fault that nullboy doesn't understand English.

And "whatzcrackn", did you just skip reading all the info I gave to anybody who asked?  You act like I'm trying to keep mugen a secret.  I answered every question anybody had, and gave out even more info.  I have given you everything you need to start.   You're right, mugen is free.  Go download it and have fun!  I gave you the link to download it.  I gave you the links to sites with characters.  I haven't tried to keep anything a secret, nor was I vague about anything.   Will you not be happy unless I hand deliver it to your house?  What the hell do you really want from me?

Tetsu, you're right about the weird mugen ethics.  But I do understand where they are coming from.  I've seen alotta drama in the mugen scene about authors stealing code from each other or putting someone's character in their complete game.  I can understand why someone would get pissed though.  Me being willing to distribute a full build is something alotta mugen scenesters wouldn't do themselves.  We could argue about all the mugen ethics for years, but that's not the issue here.

 If you want me to wrap up all of my hard work, and go to the post office for you.. give me a reason.  That's all I'm saying.  Otherwise go find a torrent or build your own mugen.  I don't ask you guys to build my cabinet and mail it to me!  I started this thread to show you the cabinet I wanted to build, not to supply you guys with the fruits of my labor.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 03:34:44 am by fantoboy »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #46 on: April 14, 2006, 03:43:56 am »
OK all here is where I jump in.

There are some people that collect things and there are people who are all about themself and everyone else.

I sort of know fantoboy.. I am kind of the reason he is here at BYOAC... Long story short.. he's a guy I know from work.. I know he is into Fighting arcade style games.  I thought he would appreciate my cabinet, After showing him and telling him BYOAC Forums will help you with any questions you have - since after i showed him mine he wanted to do his own.  OK thats where I steped out.. I haven't discussed much with him until he told me to read his thread.

I read it.. you people are far too UNFORGIVING and most of you jump to too many conclusions..

IS mugan Free - YES

IS he charging people $ for it?

IS he helping you all get INTO IT?

IS he helping with links ect.?

Now here is where I need to clarify.

I met Fantoboy about 4 years ago, he showed me his COMPILE of mugan back then.  He was nice enough to share it with me, and I never really got it to run.  I really never got much more interested in it after that.

4 year later (2006) he has Refined his Mugan - kind of like US guys here at BYOAC Forums - refining the Front end of your arcade cabinet to make sure it is 100% perfect.

Imagine you use MAMEWAH..

Now imagine you run, MAME, Daphnie, HUGO, Raine, Zinc, and a Ton of others.

Now Imagine you get Mamewah to run each emulator and set up the config just right..

Now imagine you refine each Emulator so that EVERY ROM has a SNAP, FLYER, VIDEO

NOW IMagine that every ROM  WORKS 100% - and you one by one delete Extra's Bootleg's Nonworking, SLow, and stuff that you just don't want on there, not just for MAME but for Every Emu that MAMEWAH is running for.

IF you are insane im sure you can accomplishg this in less than 6 months, but we all know as updates and new build come out we are all constantly refining our arcade cabinets to be as close to PERFECT as possible, but most of us never get to the point where we can say - I AM DONE!!!!! IT IS PERFECT!!!

Well Fantoboy's Build of HIS Mugan is like that.  He has spent Years on end Refining ti so it is PERFECT IN HIS EYS.  HE has dumped Mad hours into it, not just to refine it, be he goes steps beyond.

He creates Characters, he gives them stats and characteristics.

He test each one Extensively..and a ton of other stuff he does to make sure it lives up to his standards

THis is alot more than just a config file and trial and error.

I can understand his hessitation to just burn and trade....

He is new to BYOAC, he is now to the arcade cabinet hobby, He is learing and he is tring to put together what he feels will suit his needs. Now im sure HIS MUGAN will be his master piece running on his cabinet and a FULL COmplete cabinet will finally give HIS MUGAN a NEW LEVEL of  authenticisty.  TO him Mugan will become an TRUE ARCADE FIGHTER TO HIMSELF.

You give this man SHITAY for not helping out with suppling his build... Back off!!! HE shouldn't have to.
He offers advice and ask advice, thats a fair trade...

Now as for aquiring OTHER SOFTWARE STUFF he wants for his cabinet he seems 100% willing to Take his master piece and give it to those who will supply what he wants....  I see nothing wrong with that.

You need to give this man a break, His mugan is so much more complex than Mame can ever be....

The only Parrallel I can make is for MIKEQ - who compiles and writes POWERMAME - he is the only one I can say is in the same boat as Fantoboy in terms of the level of complexity they are involved in with their projects..



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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2006, 10:34:03 am »
Wow, it's been a while since I participated in this thread.  First, I do believe it's fantoboy's right to keep his mugen build all to himself.  He did spend all the time configuring and tweaking things to his liking and all.  The fact that the engine itself, and all the artwork is out there and freely available (if you can find it) doesn't mean he's obligated to let his work go out into the wild.

That said, here's my take on things.  If you spent lots of time making a better capcom vs snk 2 than capcom did wouldn't you want other people playing it?  I'm personally not all that interested in building my own fighting game, but I am interested in playing what other people have spent time creating and trying to perfect.  I think it's rather silly that fantoboy is willing to spread the work of other mugen builders as examples of what can be done while being stingy with his.  And no, I wouldn't expect him to run around like an errand boy in order to give it out.  This is why a torrent was a very good suggestion.  Very little work to get it out there to those who wish to try it.

I see any mugen game the same way I see most open source applications.  Yes, the author(s) did spend days/months/years/decades working on it, but they ARE giving it out for others to try.  I don't know what license electrobyte's engine is available under but it's probably gpl as it was released for linux first.  If that's the case, fantoboy could just gpl out his characters/tweaks/etc. (although I'm sure the character sprites are still under copywrite) to make sure he gets the proper credit if someone decided to build upon his work.  Of course, this is, IF he were to release it. 

Fantoboy:  Hopefully your project goes smoothly and you can enjoy the fruit of your efforts on your cabinet when you finish it.  I'm sure everyone is like me and just want a chance to play a game that's been constantly tweaked over nearly  a decade without having to spend 10 more years replicating something that's been done before.


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2006, 10:37:34 am »
And "whatzcrackn", did you just skip reading all the info I gave to anybody who asked?  You act like I'm trying to keep mugen a secret.  I answered every question anybody had, and gave out even more info.  I have given you everything you need to start.   You're right, mugen is free.  Go download it and have fun!  I gave you the link to download it.  I gave you the links to sites with characters.  I haven't tried to keep anything a secret, nor was I vague about anything.   Will you not be happy unless I hand deliver it to your house?  What the hell do you really want from me?

Nice but actually I gave up on you when you were requesting 45 gigs worth of stuff for 2 to 4 gigs.  I just thought it was funny.  But any way.  I searched prior to the links you posted:


(Use this link and you will have what you need, for the window based program it is call Wingen. but you can find full games and other interesting items.  And the history most importantly.)

In a nut shell, at the time, I have found more then you could ever provide.  And yes you are right I have not been keeping up with your post.  

Give me a minute, just another minute......  Okay I have read the post and still think the same.  More power to you man.  And for what is worth, I am working on day 6.  >:D

And you said: 'Will you not be happy unless I hand deliver it to your house?  What the hell do you really want from me?'

Not true, I no longer want something have have to beg for and/or cut  off a fingure for.  Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.  And 45 gigs worth of stuff for 2 to 4 gigs worth of stuff is a lil strange of a request from a 'Stranger.'  ;)

And as far as CD1, dude you are funny.  I will have to start calling you Captain Save a  :censored:  

Some how everytime someone new post something, you somehow know them.  Just an observation and nothing towards you.

Attention all, when someone finds a new patch please hold it hostage and do not release it until you get every single rom and emulator that exist. 

« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 12:05:59 pm by whatzcrackn »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #49 on: April 14, 2006, 10:49:10 am »
I see any mugen game the same way I see most open source applications.  Yes, the author(s) did spend days/months/years/decades working on it, but they ARE giving it out for others to try.  I don't know what license electrobyte's engine is available under but it's probably gpl as it was released for linux first.  If that's the case, fantoboy could just gpl out his characters/tweaks/etc. (although I'm sure the character sprites are still under copywrite) to make sure he gets the proper credit if someone decided to build upon his work.  Of course, this is, IF he were to release it. 

Just some light reading 'quoted from wikipedia':

Legality of M.U.G.E.N
Be advised that previous license agreements for usage of MUGEN from Elecbyte have expired, and it appears that a new license agreement will never be granted. thus, any current distribution of MUGEN has not been authorized by Elecbyte and is therefore technically illegal, although Elecbyte has never taken any legal action; it has simply disappeared without explanation. Many people chose to continue using MUGEN despite the lack of a new license. Creations such as characters and stages for use with MUGEN are not a part of Elecbyte's license, but only the software itself is. So, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not to violate Elecbyte's license by using MUGEN. Elecbyte itself has not made a public statement since 2003, when they stated that the project had "hit a snag".

Most characters and stages are of dubious legality as well, as most are made using sprites and sounds ripped from copyrighted games. For this reason, some standing communities enforced a loose "time-release" rule, where they do not allow linking to characters made from recent games. While this has no actual impact on the legality of the materials in question, it has presumably served to help avoid any legal pressure from the copyright holders. But some copyright holders, like Capcom are said to understand that it is just a fanart work and don't care about it.

The work material has two categories: the content of the SFF (sprite format, based on PCX images) and SND (audio format based on WAV) files are copyrighted by the respective owners (like Capcom, SNK, etc); the other files, like CMD (command file), AIR (animation file) and CNS (constant and state definitions, the main file of a Mugen character) are copyrighted by the author of the character or the stage. Elecbyte stated that the reason why the code files were text-based and directly processed by the engine in this manner was so that users could learn from each other, yet there has been a great deal of controversy regarding permission (or lack thereof) between coders.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 10:50:55 am by whatzcrackn »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2006, 10:59:47 am »
well we can argue about the legality of mugen, and of roms and emulators all day.

Once again I must read for you.  Here's what I sent you:

Hey, I'm new to the pc emulation scene.  I've spent years getting all the emus running perfectly on my xbox (which actually has better front ends and emulators!).  How about a trade?  I'm in need of a good mame build.  I'm looking for the most current mame with the nags turned off and the drivers for all of the "undesirable" games like current neogeo added along with the correct versions of those roms.  What I'd die for is all this added to the current powermame since I really wanna use that build.  I guess I would need the command line version of mame since I wanna use a frontend.  I'm also looking for complete sets of daphne, zinc, or visual pinball.  Or a Chankast setup with the major fighting games.  I'd also take a mamewah setup with all of the screenshots, videos, and whatnot. Lemme know if you'd be up for trading one of these, or perhaps you have something else that I might be interested in.

I did not expect my whole list.  One of the things on the list would have sufficed.  Plus all of these things you would have gotten from say a torrent that woulda took a couple hours of downloading, not your own personal work.  For some reason I doubt you are the creator of any of these emulators, roms, or even the screenshots or videos for that matter.  Yes perhaps it is more data, but it's data you just happened to have downloaded.  Not created yourself.  I think there's a huge difference.  You didn't dump each rom one by one in your romsets.  I think if you had sent everything I was looking for, it still wouldn't have been a fair trade.  Maybe if you had spent years writing an emulator, then dumped every rom yourself, and then sat there and made a screenshot for each individual rom.  But I was willing to trade for just one thing on my list.  One guy offered me his Beats of Rage collection, whcih I accepted.  That fits on only one disc.

I'll admit, most of the stuff in my mugen is a compilation of other creator's work.  But every character is hand picked, downloaded, and tweaked seperately.  There are many things in this mugen actually made from scratch by me.  One of the things about mugen is that it is tailored to your tastes.  Everyone here seems to think that the mugen community should just pile it all together like one giant complete romset.  It's not the same as roms.  Like I stated earlier, I altered everyone the way I like them.  Like I made all the Marvel characters play more like Street Fighters.  That is the beauty of mugen.  You make what you want. 

And like I stated earlier in this thread, I'm sorry but a torrent will not happen from me.  There are all the weird ethics in the mugen community, and I'm not gonna be the one to piss everyone off over there.  I can understand everyone's opinions about the matter.  But the fact remains that most authors do not want their creations hosted elsewhere online.  If the consensus changes in the mugen community, I will consider it.  It is similair to mame.  They requested that the nags be left in and the romsets not be updated.  People still do it, but they don't host their builds online out of respect.

And yes, I know one person who posted above.  I showed him the thread since he got me to this board. 
« Last Edit: April 14, 2006, 11:19:20 am by fantoboy »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2006, 06:12:51 pm »
i just download the starwars game (link post earlier). i've been having fun with it  ;) cool little game... thanks for the link fantoboy...

i also found a very good hokuto no ken game  :applaud:
« Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 12:29:07 am by arcadefever »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2006, 01:51:40 am »

also check out that street fighter classic I linked to earlier.  You can turn on the sound by editing the mugen.cfg.  You'll see the sound option.  Turn it to sound=1


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2006, 11:46:46 am »

also check out that street fighter classic I linked to earlier.  You can turn on the sound by editing the mugen.cfg.  You'll see the sound option.  Turn it to sound=1

than you for all the goodies  ;D
just one think i wan ask you ... the hokuto no ken game is really great, but it play on my pc on a small that a way that i can play the game full screen ???

thanks  :cheers:


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #54 on: April 15, 2006, 12:07:04 pm »
to play it full screen you need to open the data/mugen.cfg in notepad it has lots of resolution settions (keep resolution low or it doesnt load) it also has a setting to make it full screen
[Video Win]
 ;Enter the width and height of the resolution you want to set here.
 ;The optimal resolution is 320x240, but if your video card has problems
 ;You may want to try 640x480.
Width  = 320
Height = 240

; :hissy:this is the best rez for this game

 ;This is the color depth at which to run MUGEN. You should set it to
 ;16 bit color unless your video card has problems with it.
 ;16-fastest, 24,32-slower, 8-slowest/worst
Depth = 16

 ;Set this parameter to 0 to disable screen stretching, and set it to 1 if
 ;you want to scale it up to fit the current resolution.
Stretch = 0

 ;Set this parameter to use a resolution-doubling filter. You will
 ;need a fast machine to use these filters. You will need to increase
 ;the screen resolution to at least 640x480 for these modes.
 ;0 - off
 ;1 - diagonal edge detection
 ;2 - bilinear filtering
 ;3 - horizontal scanlines
DoubleRes = 0

 ;DirectX mode
 ;Choose from Hardware, Software, Windowed, Overlay, Safe and None
 ;Hardware and Software run in full-screen. Windowed and Overlay
 ;run in a window. The windowed modes require you to set Depth to
 ;whatever color depth you are using for you desktop. The best results
 ;are when you run in 16-bit color. There is no advantage to running
 ;in 32-bit color. If Hardware, Software and Windowed fail, try Safe.
 ;None uses GDI to draw, so it's very slow. Use None only if
 ;you cannot get anything else to work.
 ;Overlay is not supported by all video cards, but can be faster than
 ;Windowed if it works.
DXmode = Hardware

;- :hissy:this is the part for full screen i use hardware for mine

 ;Set to 1 to enable vertical retrace synchronization. Do not enable
 ;if BlitMode = PageFlip.
VRetrace = 0

 ;Drawing mode
 ;Choose from Normal and PageFlip
BlitMode = PageFlip

OH and sorry if i misunderstood your request

if anyones intrested i also found a xbox build in a torrent

this is a build called brutal paws fo fury remix
its a remake of the origonal its very nice and is setup to be an even fight

here is a dbz vs street fighter build....
if i ever get my dbz build from 4 years ago working... ill link that too..
« Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 12:14:24 pm by nullb0y »
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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2006, 01:29:22 pm »
I wish we coulda moved all this mugen stuff to the software forums where it belongs.  I wanna see this guys cab already.

hey, fantoboy, you cut any wood yet?  Have you ordered your parts?  lets go  :o


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2006, 02:32:00 pm »
thanks for the info nullb0y


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #57 on: April 15, 2006, 02:56:32 pm »
I'm still waiting for the chun li lithograph from club udon

once I get a good scan, I'll start the control panel.
I've also been working on the software.  Just got Melty Blood and both pc Guilty Gears to throw in there.  Waiting on my 300 gig drive too.
The actual cab will have to wait til I move.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2006, 02:58:13 pm by fantoboy »


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2006, 11:19:46 pm »
thanks for the info nullb0y

your welcome we should have a thread for mugen tho just for links and such
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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #59 on: April 16, 2006, 12:23:45 am »
One thing that nobody brought up yet (maybe it did but I don't feel like rereading the thread) is what kind of display is going to be used.  If there's going to be a standard resolution monitor (or TV) with aa AVGA, then the 320x240 mode for Mugen should look about as authentic as it gets (at least for mmost of the SNK / some Capcom and other stuff).

If it's going to be higher res like the Betson or D9200, I wouldn't be as pleased with the results.


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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #60 on: April 17, 2006, 12:12:07 am »
yah actually mugen looks best in the 320x240 mode it fills the screen and it really doesnt look that bad you can stretch it at 640x480 with this
;Set this parameter to 0 to disable screen stretching, and set it to 1 if
 ;you want to scale it up to fit the current resolution.
Stretch = 0

but otherwise it ends up only being part of the screen
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Re: Fighting game and mugen focused cabinet
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2006, 09:34:49 am »
Wow just got finished downloading the 1.3gig rar of Ultimate mugen off of the torrents. I'm surprised I never got into this stuff before I love fighting games. Some characters are really well done, fun times........