Consider the potential restoration of that War Gods cab back to original, as that is a popular game with conservation value. Many will cry otherwise.
A better cab for MAME-ing would be a two-player standup "streetfighter" style cab. You can buy second-hand or build new according to preference and budget. There is plenty of inspiration on this site.
VGA breakout cables are on-the-verge of being a scam. Make your own "bespoke" by cutting some of those standard VGA cables you mentioned, and using some crimps or whatever is needed for your application.
When you have many pics to add, better to post pics to
this thread, then copy/paste links back to your project thread. Highlight the link and click the binoculars (toolbar, left side) to wrap the link in {img}{/img} tags. Obviously I had to use curly brackets there, instead of square, because otherwise the forum's parser would think I was actually posting an image in between the tags.
Don't post too many pics at time, a "few" per post is plenty. The forum has certain limits regarding size, number, file type too.
Have a look at how others have done it on other threads. Click on "insert quote" to see their message code for pics (no need to actually reply). You'll see that you can set size, height, width etc. too.