Software Support > GroovyMAME

Using a second LCD screen as a marque display in Groovymame

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Video card:

ATI radeon 4600
OS: windows7 64

After setting in mame.ini numscreen to 2, the path to the marquee *.png files (I suppose it is treated by mame as artwork options because I haven't seen a specific "marquee path config" or somthing alike), using this settings will not send any signal to the DVI- output:

screen                    auto
aspect                    auto
resolution                  auto
view                      auto
screen0                   \\.\DISPLAY1
aspect0                   auto
resolution0               auto
view0                     standard
screen1                   \\.\DISPLAY2
aspect1                   auto
resolution1               auto
view1                     Marquee_Only

Neither will this simpler one:

screen                    auto
aspect                    auto
resolution                  auto
view                      auto
screen0                  auto
aspect0                   auto
resolution0               auto
view0                     standard
screen1                   auto
aspect1                   auto
resolution1               auto
view1                     Marquee

I've tried some combinations changing display numbers, or usin "primary" instead of standard etc without any success.
Must I use Hooker Mame?; (I would prefer not to in case it causes interference with my emudriver setup/performance)

Thanks for your support,

Have you already extended the desktop? Which \\.\display numbers are each desktop mapped to?

Do I have to extend the W7 desktop for it to work? I can do it, it is a bit unconfortable though after all I have gone through to get rid of it by following your tutorial hehe. If you run vmaker it detects DISPLAY 1 an DISPLAY 2, everything is apparently in perfect order... and the modes area applied to DISPLAY 1 according to the vmaker gui....

You have to extend the desktop, otherwise MAME can't use the second display.

Done. For some reason de SAmsung display no longer was detected as such. It was detected as Pnp generic display, as if it was another crt scart TV. So I connected a modern TV through HDMI. It was detected as the 1st display. After some combinations this is what worked for me if I remember well:

screen                    auto
aspect                    auto
resolution                  auto
view                      auto
screen0                   \\.\DISPLAY3
aspect0                   auto
resolution0               auto
view0                     standard
screen1                   \\.\DISPLAY1
aspect1                   auto
resolution1               auto
view1                     Marquee_Only

Other combinations caused mame to fail when loading any rom. With this setting and extended desktop groovymame does not make use of the proper emudriver settings while showing artwork in that display, and shows every rom display in interlaced modes in my CRT TV (no superres or anything, just interlaced modes in several games tested). I' ve had to revert the settings to be able to use superres modes back again :(


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