let us count the gradients!
we have circular gradient on the igloo dome, lovely.
circular gradient on the igloo hallway (not aligned, not light sourced), scrumptious!
whats that?!?!! a 3rd circular gradient on the orange balltop? DO GO ON!
linear gradient on the logo letters, 4 gradients on 1 image ? ballsy!
Flat unshaded faux light sourced grey joystick? how chic!
The concept is clever, the execution is abysmal. I had no idea you could build igloos out of pieces of the sun.
I still love you boo
The positives:
like a said, good concept
I really like the letter A, I'd suggest cutting the bottom left corner out of all the vowels for consistency .
suggested changes:
make the igloo blue, like it was built out of , oh , I dont know.... ice?
ball top and button should be red
use the balltop as the light source and shade appropriately.
make a website.
I'd be happy to work on the logo a bit if you email me the source files.