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Author Topic: Using a TV in Cabinet-Needs Assistance setting up  (Read 4649 times)

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Using a TV in Cabinet-Needs Assistance setting up
« on: April 24, 2002, 11:03:41 pm »
have a GeForce2 MX 400 with SVideo on my computer and I'm connecting to my TV via the SVideo  port.  

Having just tested the system, my desktop icons & icons are blurry.  But I can run a high res screen saver and it looks perfect... So what gives??

As I would like to know who people who have TV's in you cabinet... How you are running your system?  As well, I'm running Windows MAME, and I'm just wondering what setting within MAME should I have checked in order to best view the games.

Also, are you able too start you PC and have the PC use the TV as the monitor?  As a picture doesn't appear on the TV until it logs into Windows.   And even then, it loads on my PC monitor before the TV.  

So I'm undering how to I set the TV as my default moniter.  

As well, Is there any place where I can find out how "best" too setup the my MAME system?  As I'm not too sure what the different windows options do.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by 1026619200 »


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Re: Using a TV in Cabinet-Needs Assistance setting
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2002, 12:32:13 am »
Some tv-out cards will automatically use the tv to display if it is the only thing connected when you boot the computer.
Now for the really hard questiond, how are you going to turn on the tv in the cab?  Will it turn on automatically when power is applied?  Will it automatically switch to s-video input or will it just remember?  The "fuzziness" is what you get with a tv.  It is more like the a real arcade monitor.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by 1026619200 »