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Started by PepsiBoy428 - Last post by PepsiBoy428

I've been out of the loop for quite a while, but in my outdated experience...

270° for most arcade games.  Hard Drivin' & Race Drivin had 900° wheels if you feel inclined to figure out how to set them up separately.

150° or less for console games that were meant to be played with a thumbstick.  The wheel can't turn as fast as a thumbstick.  Dropping to a narrow range that you can move through quickly makes the games more playable.

The most important thing is reducing MAME's default 30% deadzone to something like .05 and changing the saturation to 1 (100%).
See the old stickied driving cab info thread for other settings I may be forgetting.

Thanks for the setting suggestion but I am having a problem, I set it to 270 degrees on G Hub on my MAME profile but MAME still thinks it's set to 900 degrees on my wheel.

2   Project Announcements / Re: Project BlueShifton Today at 12:19:33 am

Started by Lexiq - Last post by TapeWormInYourGut

That looks really beautiful, and I like your matching keyboard ;D

3   Project Announcements / Re: Project BlueShifton Yesterday at 11:36:06 pm

Started by Lexiq - Last post by Lexiq

Drawer Contents

Although the contents of the drawer will be hidden most of the time, I wanted to keep the cabinet theme going here too. I was able to find a nice compact mechanical keyboard from Akko that matched my colours perfectly.

For a PC / Windows based cabinet, having easy access to a keyboard and mouse is very useful during the setup phase, and even afterwards for making adjustments, or installing new software.

It is also a convenient place to put the amplifier. I did consider mounting this so the knobs were externally accessible - I probably would have positioned is next to the external USB ports, but in the end, I decided to keep the exterior as minimal as possible.

Also included is a wireless microphone receiver that connects to the PC audio microphone port, and some coins, for an authentic experience.

Started by saint - Last post by Lexiq


Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Oop, Forgot the current state picture.

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Got the holes done and finishing up sanding them to be all purdy.

Next up will be making and adding two 1/8" or 1/4" Thick steel plates to mount in the monitor inner wall between the speaker racks and monitor.

The speakers are already shielded but going the extra mile to be sure since I have so many so close to the monitor.

So far so good and looking wild already lol

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Dynamo 39" showcase cabinet proper marquee and monitor bezel artwork size?

Started by excaliburlives - Last post by minorhero

   Hello, i just installed LEDBlinky 8_2_2_0. Everything is working fine after the wizard setup. I purchased LEDBlinky and was sent 2 files to put in the ledblinky root directory. I copied both files over and when i launch Attract mode i get a notice still saying trial mode?? Am i doing something wrong?  I also got an error when exiting ledblinky saying   "[09/14/2024 21:31:27] Unable to set SAPI parameters. OLE error 80045039". I have no idea what that means. Does anyone have an idea of what my problem could be?

This is a month old so maybe its resolved already. But just wanted to add since I am going through a similar situation right now. The first time you start LEDBlinky after you get the files from the paid version, you need to be online so the program can call home as it were. That would resolve the trial issues.

Started by PaCiFiKbAllA - Last post by PaCiFiKbAllA

Heres the link for updated modules:

I updated the link in the OP too.  Thanks!

Started by PaCiFiKbAllA - Last post by midd

I just downloaded from the link in your OP. Did you not upload the newest version? I'm not seeing the new modules.

edit: Found the link in the description of the youtube video
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