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Started by mimic - Last post by KenToad,164121.msg1729123.html#msg1729123

That thread has all the settings for trackball games in MAME and an explanation of the methodology.

Started by Rataplan626 - Last post by p1mrx

I made roughly the same thing for Linux, using xrandr:
Code: [Select]
#!/bin/bash -x
LINE="$(gtf 1280 960 $HZ | sed -n 's/.*Modeline "[^"]*" *//p')"
CLOCK="$(echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}')"
xrandr --newmode "$MODE" $LINE 2>/dev/null
xrandr --addmode "$DISP" "$MODE"
sleep 0.1
xrandr --output "$DISP" --mode "$MODE"

Here's how I extract the game's refresh rate from MAME:

Code: [Select]
#!/bin/bash -x
GAME="$(basename "$1" .zip)"
HZ="$(mame -listxml "$GAME" | sed -n 's/.*refresh="\([0-9.]*\)".*/\1/p')" "$HZ"

# ... launch mame ...

My copy of restricts HZ to the limits of my panel (anything beyond 48-75 Hz shows "out of sync"), but that's too specific to bother sharing.

My Arcade1up BOE panel doesn't support VRR, so this is the only way I know to get butter-smooth scrolling at the correct speed.

Started by samco - Last post by stasimon

Hi all,

Long time since someone last time wrote here but I will not open new topic to ask about Samco official soft (or Samco forks)

I built my gun base on Samco but with ItsyBitsy 32U4 5V board. I know old oficcial Samco sketch still support 32U4 board. Can someone have some fork like Prow7/ir-light-gun but older version still supported Adafruit ItsyBitsy 32u4 - 5V 16MHz?

I know openfire project is better but for now want to still use what I built. Maybe later will order RP2040 and rebuukd my gun.


Started by mimic - Last post by p1mrx

what feels right to me is playing with a NES controller. [...] Plus I don't think there's a turbo speed button like the NES version has?

In order to play Marble Madness on my MAME cabinet with 8-way sticks, I wrote this Lua script that adds fast and slow buttons:

Code: [Select]
# mame marble -autoboot_script marble.lua
# Set all Analog inputs to "None" in the menu.

players = {
  {x_port = ":IN0", x_field = "Trackball X",
   y_port = ":IN1", y_field = "Trackball Y",
   prefix = "JOYCODE_1_",
   xv = 0, yv = 0, text = ""},
  {x_port = ":IN2", x_field = "Trackball X 2",
   y_port = ":IN3", y_field = "Trackball Y 2",
   prefix = "JOYCODE_2_",
   xv = 0, yv = 0, text = ""}

function process_input(p)
  local x_port = manager.machine.ioport.ports[p.x_port].fields[p.x_field]
  local y_port = manager.machine.ioport.ports[p.y_port].fields[p.y_field]
  local input = manager.machine.input

  local delta = 16
  p.text = "normal"

  if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token(p.prefix .. "BUTTON1")) then
    delta = 64
    p.text = "fast"
  elseif input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token(p.prefix .. "BUTTON2")) then
    delta = 4
    p.text = "slow"

  if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token(p.prefix .. "XAXIS_LEFT_SWITCH")) then
    p.xv = (p.xv + delta) % 256
  if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token(p.prefix .. "XAXIS_RIGHT_SWITCH")) then
    p.xv = (p.xv - delta) % 256
  if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token(p.prefix .. "YAXIS_UP_SWITCH")) then
    p.yv = (p.yv - delta) % 256
  if input:code_pressed(input:code_from_token(p.prefix .. "YAXIS_DOWN_SWITCH")) then
    p.yv = (p.yv + delta) % 256

frame_sub = emu.add_machine_frame_notifier(function()

  local s = manager.machine.screens[":screen"]
  s:draw_text(280, 5,
              "P1: " .. players[1].text .. "\nP2: " .. players[2].text,
              0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFF000000)

The same technique can control any game with analog inputs.  I briefly experimented with a script for Super Off Road where you spin the stick to emulate a steering wheel, but that was too ridiculous to be practical.

5   Main Forum / Re: My new rig (doing it cheap)on Today at 11:56:31 am

Started by daywane - Last post by RandyT

:dizzy: lol. I am in over my head

Lol.  Don't worry.  Do what I suggested in the last paragraph I wrote and come back to the thread.  I'll do what I can to help :)

Started by PacManPlus - Last post by PacManPlus

Thank you for the reply!
I see what you are saying regarding the size of the CRT and the cocktail table...  and I agree with all of your points.

However, the original case is already gone, so I think I may use it in an upright like the link I posted above...  Speaking of which, @Malenko - how difficult was it to mount that tube in your cabinet?

Regarding the ears, I do get that they've been supporting the TV in the case already, my concern was the angle I was suggesting; tube facing vertical instead of horizontal.
I guess that's moot now though :)

Thank you again.

Started by PacManPlus - Last post by Zebidee

Welcome back!

Some thoughts:

I honestly feel that a cocktail cab is better served with a smaller monitor. 32" CRT is just too big.

You have to also factor in the curved screen - especially the top as it curves away from your line-of-sight when playing from a seated position. Larger screen makes this worse. The angle at which you see the screen is not great.

Another thing - if you are planning on aligning the screen vertically, presumably so you can enjoy all the vertical shmups, 32" is again too big. Fast moving shooter games require your eyes to continuously scan the entire screen for threats, and a 32" screen is *much* more area (2.5 times) to cover than a 20".

32" CRT TVs typically weigh an imperial ---steaming pile of meadow muffin----ton, so you might want to factor in that extra weight too.

IMO, you don't want any CRT larger than a 20-21" in a cocktail cab. That is already larger than most original cocktails. I'd go further and say that you don't need a CRT larger than 29" for *any* cab (this is the size of the CRTs in Japanese Astrocabs/Candy cabs). Bigger isn't always better, smaller cabs/smaller screens are often a better "fit" for the need.

I'd keep the 32" as-is, maybe dedicate it to console gaming in a lounge room setting. Maybe for driving games, or watching anime. Play while seated. You can buy remote arcade control panels too, or make them yourself if you are really keen. Sure, build a cab too, but find a smaller 20" - 29" for it.

As for the metal "ears" - yes they should be strong enough, after all they have already been supporting the TV inside the plastic case. The challenge would be to make the wooden frame strong enough.

8   Pinball / Re: OG Play pinball because you are a boyon Today at 08:26:38 am

Started by bobbyb13 - Last post by Zebidee

This was one of my favourite machines as a kid. There was no single feature that grabbed me, but for some reason very engaging to play.

Not saying it was the scantily clad pretty ladies, but they sure didn't hurt :D

Great to see you taking the bold move and getting into pins Bobby. Following!

Started by RandyT - Last post by firedance

Just trying a test batch file to shut down then restart Lichtknarre after a emulator, found a basic file and edited it to match the file locations -

taskkill /IM Lichtknarre.exe /F


start/wait "Dolphin" /B  "G:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Dolphin\Dolphin.exe" %1


start "Lichtknarre" /B "C:\Program Files\Lichtknarre\Lichtknarre.exe"



when its run I get this -

C:\Users\Retro-pc\Desktop>taskkill /IM Lichtknarre.exe /F
ERROR: The process "Lichtknarre.exe" with PID 8752 could not be terminated.
Reason: Access is denied.

Tried it with other programs and it works as it should, any ideas how to easily solve as when i googled a solution my brain hurt   :o

Your Batch script do not run as administrator. Look for tools which helps you to evaluate the batch script as administrator.

Ran it has a admin, it closes Lichtknarre then loads Dolphin but when i exit Dolphin Lichtknarre doesn't reload,any ideas how to fix it ?

I even reinstalled Lichtknarre to a different drive and still the same result :o

Started by danny_galaga - Last post by Zebidee

Oh, Australia has plenty of innovation. What it lacks is a culture of support for innovation, entrepreneurialism and capability.

Australia also lacks is a thriving manufacturing sector to support that innovation - used to have it, but we've been letting it rot on the vine for the last 40-50 years. For example, remember when Australia had three local car manufacturers? Three! Now none (since 2017). An automotive industry supports all kinds of spinoff industries and SMEs that are then in a good position to adapt to new innovative needs - unfortunately that base just isn't there any more.

20 - 30 years ago, Australia led the work with solar panel tech. But because nobody cared to invest locally, now we buy them from China. Australia used to lead the world in photonics (e.g. optical fibre, broadband etc), now that expertise is overseas. Did you know that wifi, as we know it today, was originally developed in Australia? I personally remember back in the mid-1990's, marvelling at the guys from CSIRO and Uni of Western Sydney running LANs *without cables*! I could go on.

People have started re-thinking about Australia's manufacturing sector woes, especially since Scomo's "Bull in a China shop" diplomatic crisis in about 2020 and the broader dawning realisation that the world may be heading towards a new era of conflicts worldwide, and that Australia should be thinking more about self-sufficiency and capabilities rather than outsourcing all our manufacturing and expertise to countries with cheaper labour and laxer environmental laws.

OK, rant over :D
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