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Started by RandyT - Last post by firedance

Yes because Pause says you have to press a button to continue the batch script? Im not an batch script expert. would be nice if you post the solution if you figured it out. :)

Should have said, tried it without the pauses and it still doesn't load Lichtknarre again after Dolphin, will do some research when i get the chance :)

Started by matttom - Last post by Megatouchmike

Replace ram

Started by Customcade - Last post by Calamity

In the "Edid emulation" step, make sure to pick the VGA output, not the DVI-D one. Some people fail on this step thinking they have to pick DVI there, because the connector on the card is actual a DVI (I), but the signal we want is analog (VGA) not digital (DVI-D).

Started by RandyT - Last post by Fusselkroete

Yes because Pause says you have to press a button to continue the batch script? Im not an batch script expert. would be nice if you post the solution if you figured it out. :)

Started by RandyT - Last post by firedance

From the batch file, when you exit Dolphin it should then load Lichtknarre, which it doesn't  :-[

Tried the same batch file with fatmatch.exe (first program i picked from my utils folder) and that reloads, that file doesn't need the batch file to run as admin though.

On my retro-pc i disabled UAC so don't its that.

Started by RandyT - Last post by Fusselkroete

What do you mean by not reloading?

Started by Customcade - Last post by Zebidee

K7600 will be fine with 640x480i.

I can't really follow what you are doing unless I know absolutely everything you have done from start to finish. That, and I'm not really the software support guy. I only piped in because you seemed to have a DVI-D hardware issue, but it was just a mis-reported video card model. I keep hoping Calamity will say something, but he is a busy guy and can't be expected to hold everyone's hands all the time.

What I'd do is start again from the beginning, and follow Calamity's guides for your video card to the letter. Do them in order, don't miss or skip any steps. Usually this sorts out people's problems.

The only way to work out if you are using the right drivers is to refer to those guides, which I believe are accurate. You don't need any "legacy" drivers afaik.

So that's what I'd do. Identify what guide and drivers to use, follow the guide. Some people seem to have trouble following the guides but everything is right there. Then if it still doesn't work, report exactly what steps you took from beginning to finish and where it seemed to go wrong. Pics help.

Otherwise, maybe you are somehow borking up the monitor presets somehow - in which case, just use the default standard Arcade_15 or generic_15 profiles.

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Been using and only tried adrenalin 18.5.1 for r7 200 series.

Crimson does have some r5 options but not 240 that I have.

Maybe I am using the wrong driver?

9   Pinball / Re: OG Play pinball because you are a boyon Today at 02:20:57 am

Started by bobbyb13 - Last post by bobbyb13

Good to see you guys come up for air.
Fun to see how many people whose company I have been lucky to share are watching this mess Play out.

The time available for any of my more entertaining and still frivolous pursuits shrinks.

A replacement for that barbequed board has shown up so now the onus is on me to sort out those fricaseed connectors and put that thing right.
Funny how being too busy to do anything I want to at my age has illuminted the existential crises of it all.
The race is on.

Hope all of you are well- and well entertained in the twilight of it all !

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Also I am not using or have tried any legacy drivers of crt emudriver yet.
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