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Author Topic: Advice getting Guncon2 via GroovyArcade with Trisync Arcade monitor  (Read 706 times)

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  • New Astro City 2024
Hi all - looking for some direction.

I'm running GroovyArcade in a New Astro City with tri-sync monitor.
PC output is VGA into extron 580xi - which in turn outputs via BNC to dsub15 male to male dsub15 on my arcade monitor.

Anyway everything working so far. I'm now trying to complicate the setup and get a Guncon2 operating. I didn't realise initially that GroovyArcade had added support for it, so I went and installed the drivers from You can see in the issues section - that I got some advise on a few mistakes I had made.

Today I then went about trying to solve composite sync - and discovered my extron 580xi supports it. See attached screen shots for how I have the guncon2 connected now. Hopefully this is correct.

I've tested with Time Crisis, and you can see the crosshair only moves partly across the screen.
Video of this here - I can only hit the first guy :) and I am also unable to map the trigger button to fire instead of the side button.

Outstanding issues I can see:

the guncon2 is detected as event mouse/mouse - however on Beardypigs guide - should be joystick. This also suggests to me why additional buttons are not detected.
[arcade@GroovyArcade by-id]$ ls -al
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 200 Feb 12 20:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 500 Feb 12 20:19 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Feb 12 20:19 usb-0b9a_016a-event-mouse -> ../event5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 Feb 12 20:19 usb-0b9a_016a-mouse -> ../js2

I've also ran :
"evdev-joystick --e /dev/input/by-id/usb-0b9a_016a-event-mouse -m 175 -M 720 -a 0"
"evdev-joystick --e /dev/input/by-id/usb-0b9a_016a-event-mouse -m 20 -M 240 -a 1"

I would not claim to know if these values are correct - and again beardypig refers to usb-0b9a_016a-event-joystick , not usb-0b9a_016a-event-mouse.

Any advice greatly appreciated - or anything I'm doing completely wrong, or even better - what I'm trying to do isn't possible with this setup. I'm tempted to purchase a 2nd Guncon just in case also.



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  • New Astro City 2024
Re: Advice getting Guncon2 via GroovyArcade with Trisync Arcade monitor
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2024, 08:55:57 am »
Anyone ? I've a 2nd GunCon2 on the way from ebay to rule out (maybe) hardware issue, but any pointers would be great.