Hi All now that boost is taking this great game back to those glory days of World Tour and now Tournaments I thought it would be good to know who the players are on the leaderboards or at least there first names so we can communicate better with each other. So I have made a list of player below that are currently on the WT leaderboards what I was thinking is that you would let us know your first name, forum name, and Country your from.
For example Spitfire = Joe, Spitfire, Australia
There are a total of 24 players as it stands today. Find your nickname below and please post who you are?
Once people have posted back maybe we can add this list to the leaderboard website boost for everyone to see and start to know a little about who they are playing against. I will also post this on Facebook page for those not on this forum. I will update a post here of results if boost can't get it onto the website page?
Any thoughts welcome? (NOF) = Not On Forum from Facebook page
Boost = Chuck, boostinallovryou, USA, OUR SAVIOUR!!
Spitfire = Joe, Spitfire, Australia (AUS)
Spitfirejr= Daniel, NOF, AUS
No_Name=Gerhard, gvdvyver, South Africa
CMS = Chuck, NOF, USA
Lou = Lou, NOF, USA
Yukonblaze = Jason, Yukonbaze,USA
Killer Kad = Kirby, USA
Frankrizzo = Josh, NOF, USA
Tbone = Torin, Torin, USA
Humphey = Tom, NOF, AUS
Sherman8or = Kory, The Sherman8tor, USA
Weeda = Wayne, NOF, Australia
Sachin Pat
Timboch=Tim, TimBoch,USA