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Started by smaka - Last post by smaka

The cabinet was delivered in surprisingly small boxes. The cabinet was designed in a way that allows it to be broken down and quickly assembled.

Started by argonlefou - Last post by lowgunn

Ok, I do see that demulshooter is green and looks like its hooked.  I was able to get the mamehooker/demulshooter working for most of the teknoparrot games, but so far flycast seems to be a challenge.  What i did notice is that in the mamehooker debug windows, i see the outputs? like the damage output does not change, it stays at 0?  Your output for shooting game adds a total new level to the experience and its very awesome.  I really dont want to play any games without the outputs now,,lol
Also make sure you're using a stable release :
Nighly builds or unsupported version will not work with DemulShooter
You can also make a debug file with demulshooter (, it will recognized if the binary is a supported one

Hi argonlefou. Thank you very much for your great work.
One thing: In Point Blank X, shortly after starting to play as player one only,I get a nag message: "Insert coins please", which covers a part of the right side of the screen. I have tested the game in Teknoparrot and it doesn't happen there. Could it be a bug?
I don't know if it's a bug or a game original feature....
I used FREEPLAY to develop the plugin and - obviously - I didn't noticed it as it don't happen with FREEPLAY
I'll look at this to remove the nag screen

Dang it...that was it...I didn't realize I was using 2.4...using 2.3 and everything works now.  thanks again!

3   Main Forum / Re: Arachnid 6300 dart board helpon Yesterday at 01:05:32 pm

Started by Romeo - Last post by veyaso2227

It sounds like you've already done a lot of troubleshooting by replacing the matrix and checking the board's mechanics. Since the same sections still aren't registering, the issue might be with the wiring or the connection between the matrix and the main board. I’d check for any loose or damaged ribbon cables, corrosion on connectors, or possible issues with the circuit board itself. If everything looks good, testing the board with a multimeter might help pinpoint the problem. Let me know if you find anything—I'd be happy to help troubleshoot further.

Started by arzoo - Last post by boppyman

A small request if you don't mind

I have added all the RBG colours and most of them have names that won't fit in the color box so would it be possible to make this box bigger so we can see the full text?


Started by argonlefou - Last post by Sky25es

Wow! That was really fast! Many many thanks  :cheers:

Started by argonlefou - Last post by argonlefou

Great! Thanks a lot.  :applaud:

So yes it was kind of "expected" behavior as the game is poping that nag box after 3 second of pointing the gun to the screen without any credits.
And of course, with the patch, guns are always on and you can't know if it's pointing in or out in real time  :'(

I fixed it in the last pushed update
Don't forget to overwrite the plugin files

7   Everything Else / SEGA Astro City Mini dumpson Yesterday at 05:33:19 am

Started by SahelZ2 - Last post by SahelZ2

I've seen someone in Japan dumping some of the roms in this device in subject. Other  than just dunoing them, it looks like they converted them in MAME format (or so they say), implying that they run on MAME.
I was wondering if the same thing could be ever done for Virtua Fighter, so we will finally have a version with no more graphics and collision glitches.
So, folks (especially those with the skills to do such a thing), your thought on this?

Started by BadMouth - Last post by SahelZ2

Sometimes, I wake up in the morning and think: " how wonderful would be if some amazing person, would come up with some software that translates the Force Feedback in PS3 or Xbox360 versions of Daytona, into Model 2.".
These days there are ways to just emulate the game on those consoles, but, Model2 emulator, is just too epic to let it die like this. Also, SEGA's chief, keeps saying that SEGA is no retro company...

9   Project Announcements / GameRoomSolutions Fat Boy - TMNT Buildon February 06, 2025, 11:51:57 pm

Started by smaka - Last post by smaka

I got a TMNT "Fat Boy" cabinet from GameRoomSolutions (GRS). This was a blind buy.

What I wanted:
- A dedicated idiot-box with a "super console" and "arcade"

Why I did it:
- After running the numbers, I concluded this only cost $300 more than a DIY project
- They did all the graphic work, t-molding, printing and even applied the art to the cab prior to shipping
- The shipping was free
- They made the cabinet and shipped fast!!!!!
- The offer services at every level... I went the DIY route. They made the cabinet but everything else was on me!!!

Parts list:
Several beers (most important part)
GRS Fat Boy cabinet
Arcade Rennovations "gold leaf buttons"
Ultimarc Jstik
Ultimarc Trackball
Ultimarc iPac4
Ultimarc PacLED64
32" 240hz Gigabyte Monitor (TN panel)
Logitech z407 2.1 speakers
Retro Shooter "Armory Vault" Light Guns
Amazon Bar-screen LED monitor (marquee)
XBox 1 Controllers (4)
Wireless N64 Controllers (4)

Gaming PC:
Gigabyte RTX 3080 GPU
Gigabyte z790 ICE motherboard
Core i7 13700kf CPU
60TB SATA storage (20tb x 3)
12TB Crucial NVMe (3x 4tb)
2TB Crucial NVM2 (1x 2tb)
Honorable mentions
Amazon 4-player arcade kit w/ buttons + sticks

10   Monitor/Video Forum / Re: GreenAntz RGB to component transcoderon February 06, 2025, 05:43:29 pm

Started by Zebidee - Last post by Zebidee

Starting 2025, GreenAntz is $50. The GreenAntz and I are in Thailand - Courier to USA is still only $15.

That assumes no additional costs or taxes or delays that may occur due to Trump's current war on imports. Or anything else. So far I think we are unaffected directly (fingers crossed), though it costs us all in one way or another.

I have a couple of VGA GreenAntz units available, so I'll check them over and send you the best one - I'm currently neck-deep in diagnosing CRT TV horizontal deflection issues, so will send on Monday if you don't mind (Friday morning here). From then USPS say 7-10 days, but I'd say ~2 weeks. So, can't promise it'll be any quicker than the one from NZ.

Talk more via PM.

are you still selling these by chance? I'm looking for something cheaper than the $76 it will cost me to get the Wakabavideo Transcoder. Plus shipping take forever for them to get here. shipping would be to Tennessee if you wouldn't mind giving me an out the door price total!
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