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Its there a way to use touchtunes hardware with windows?
Thanks Lilshawn, it wasn't necessary to add that many boxes but they are very appreciated. I'm gonna get my hands on them on Sunday, so I still have to wait a few more days, perhaps next Monday evening. in the meantime ill prepare some old-school sonny speakers to enjoy, I'm also going to buy the software this weekend. So it might be ready to play next week. On this one, I'm not gonna bother with the bill acceptors unless the buyers want them because the Angelina ended up at a card club playing free music. So all of my trouble for nothing hahaha. Thanks again buddy, God bless you.
I made a Ghetto mod, ill post pics later.
Since i really dont want to spend to much money on this, I added the speakers that came with one of the satellite speakers directly to the stand. To be honest, this together with the base speaker at the bottom should be a small decent sound so people can hear it working. Since it has an extra amp, whoever buys the juke can always add more speakers. I also not gonna bother with the bill acceptors, as the Angelina will never use them, and I spend like 200 DLLs on those for nothing hahaha. Anyway, if the new buyer wants to use them then ill mess with them. Right now I'm using spotify with Spicetify, man I really love it. I might not even buy the juke software.
Yeahhhhhhhhhh, today i got my hands on the boxes that you sent me Lilshawn, thanks a lot. I hook them up in the spot and the subwoofer sound good, not super loud but good, but the satellite speaker has low low sound. I made a mistake. When I disassembled the satellite speaker, I did not took pictures on how the wires were connected, So I did some research and this is the best I could come up with as the speaker has 2 capacitors one 1.2uf 100 v and 2.7uf 100 v. But still sounds very low. Any advice would be welcome. Also do regular internet cables work with the amps, or do they have to be wired in a special way?
Thanks a lot for your help, nad thanks a lot for all the parts, you saved me a lot of time.
Edit: Found the correct way the caps and cables are connected, and it works, sounds nice, also, the equalizer makes a huge difference, thanks a lot for that extra Mr LilShawn.
This morning something weird happened, i turned on the juke and had no sound. I was checking and everything seemed to work, so I decided to do the old trick, test one item at a time. So I tested the equalizer first, and that was the problem, the second equalizer worked just fine,I opened the damaged equalizer and there was no burning smell or anything, it turned on but gave no output. Is there something I should know to avoid burning the second equalizer and hopefully fix the first one? Thanks for the help.
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