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Cruis n usa and Cruis n World (MAME) link 2 players?

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hello everyone, I searched here in the group, and I didn't find anything, I would like to know if it is possible to play these beautiful games in a link, both on the same pc and via lan .. ..

IIRC it's not working. There's some more info in this thread -,161667.0/all.html

In Cruis n World I can't put it in manual shift. No choice option appears. The game starts directly on automatic. I already tried to solve it in the test menu but there is no option for that. Can someone help me?

The above info is no longer true. Someone else opened an issue in Mame regarding networking on this family of hardware (in reality it's a CPU mailbox bridged together similar to the Naomi multiboard system). There's even worse problems for other games that do not support LAN.

midvunit.cpp linking (Cruis'n World, Cruis'n USA):

Bus network topology support:

You can view a list of all the unsupported LAN capable games I listed here:

--- Quote from: Super-Becker on September 02, 2023, 07:36:58 pm ---In Cruis n World I can't put it in manual shift. No choice option appears. The game starts directly on automatic. I already tried to solve it in the test menu but there is no option for that. Can someone help me?

--- End quote ---
Use Cruis'n World v2.4 instead of v2.5 because the latter was developed as a conversion kit for Hyperdrive arcade cabinets. Midway programmed this version to skip the transmission select due to Hyperdrive cabs not having a shifter to begin with.

Hydreigon, thank you very much!


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