Arcade Collecting > Arcade1Up & Similar


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Is this something to vote on ?  Where's that like button?

No sub-forum. Could be discussed in Misc. Arcade instead. A year from now when no one cares about A1Up what happens to its sub-forum then? Will there be new crap to argue about that gets its own forum?

Reminds me of Cemu. At least 2 emulation forums I visit had huge threads about Cemu when it came out. Both sites decided that there was so much discussion that a dedicated Cemu sub-forum should be created. 2 years later each of the Cemu sub-forums on both of those sites has just one thread in it - the original discussion that was moved there.


--- Quote from: Osirus23 on April 07, 2019, 02:13:58 pm ---No sub-forum. Could be discussed in Misc. Arcade instead. A year from now when no one cares about A1Up what happens to its sub-forum then? Will there be new crap to argue about that gets its own forum?

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Totally agree. To me, A1up is more successful than the Midway Treasures cabinets, but no different from a BYOAC perspective.

There should be no arguing. We are literally trying to decide if should we be jerks or not.

Just roll A1Up talking into the Pi forum and call it “Modding”. There.


--- Quote from: leapinlew on April 07, 2019, 11:54:41 am ---
--- Quote from: yotsuya on April 07, 2019, 11:41:04 am ---Can we please move this to PNR or wherever these things are supposed to go?

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lol - I agree you with yots, and I agree with daywane.

No disrespect daywane. I know what you are talking about but your post is just more dirty laundry. The actions of a few vocal folks on the board don't reflect the intent of the entire site. Not to mention, everyone is entitled to have opinion. I'd like to see a shift to either offering to help, or just mind your own business, but you can't stop some of the ugly posts, except to try and counter them.

Most everyone here is good people. I think "retro" coming back and being such an obvious fad has struck a nerve with some folks.

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You actually these things pose some kind of threat to the future of arcade cabs?... That is probably the dumbest statement made in like EVER, The rest of us are actually getting some really sweet deals on the real  cabs in this climate because the market pressure has been artificially altered by these (awesome?) Arcade1ups...So keep pushing that junk off on the unsuspecting Lew, because I personally have acquired games faster than I have in years and only have guys like you to thank....Up to around 150 now! (give or take) Dance, Dance.


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