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1   Everything Else / Re: OND's other projects on Today at 01:57:17 am

Started by Ond - Last post by Ond

Testing the fit of the Artisan panels:

Both Artisan enclosures glued up except for baffles. Most circular cuts were done with my router using a flush trim bit and the 3D printed cutting templates. I'm using threaded inserts for most screw fittings with either M4 or M5 Button head machine screws:

Here I've sealed the lower chamber of the Artisan enclosures with silicon. Crossovers screwed into place. The lower chamber will be filled with sand. You can just see the hole I've cut in the bottom to allow sand filling;

I'm starting to line the insides of these with foam. Once that's done I can glue the baffles into place:

Here I've just positioned the baffle in place and I'm making sure the drivers clear the port. Its a tight fit, the magnets on the back of each driver just clear the end of the port:

Here are the completed crossovers for the Carrera bookshelf speakers. These little bookshelf speakers are more costly to build than the tall floor standing Artisans.

Here are the Carrera enclosures with rebates finished and ports glued in place:

Soon I'll start looking at the third design, the most complex (and expensive!) the Sasandu speakers. I'll cover the 3D design prep I did in Fusion for CNC cutting the panels, and a first look at the 3 way Sasandu crossovers, built once again on my own PCBs...

Started by saint - Last post by Ond


Started by DaOld Man - Last post by DaOld Man

Hopefully I figured this out.

I ran ledwiz_configurator as administrator.
Then, in Global Options, I unchecked "Enable Debug Log"
It now runs from win startup with no errors.
If I re-enable the debug log, I get the error.

So Id say there is a bug in the debug log routine.
Hopefully this will help someone else who might have the same problem.

4   Audio/Jukebox/MP3 Forum / Rowe Ami Capacitors required.on Yesterday at 06:44:09 pm

Started by Scorpio Classics - Last post by Scorpio Classics

Capacitors needed to repair rowe ami r2179a stereo amplifier.
Can anyone advise on where to buy these? Many thanks.

Started by Scorpio Classics - Last post by Scorpio Classics

Have recently purchased another 6 problematic Rowe Ami jukebox and wondered if anyone could advise on possible cause?
Records are selecting as normal but fail to play until the end and seem to get stuck at various points. Can anyone help and point me in the right direction to fix the problem. Also need an original mid range speake if any available? Many thanks.

6   Arcade1Up & Similar / Arcade1UP Street Fighter online PCBson Yesterday at 12:44:14 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by bsoder52

I'm interested in picking up a full size street fighter cabinet and installing a 1up PCB with online cabability. Wondering if all the online Street Figher issues have the same PCB or if I should/need to get the PCB that matches the cabinet I get?  My intent would be to use the PCB in conjunctiion with the geekworm board to run it on a 30" 3/4 LCD aftermarket arcade monitor in the cab. I may need to get a big blue cabinet to fit that monitor not sure yet.  Thanks for any advice, thoughts, resources, help.

Started by argonlefou - Last post by argonlefou

Sorry but no  :-\

Dolphin was too much of a headeache.

8   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on February 08, 2025, 06:01:44 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by bsoder52

Rather than changing the config file, configure the wheel directly. Plug the wheel in and try configuring it with the command:

Code: [Select]
supermodel -config-inputs -input-system=dinput(you can use a batch file to do this from the folder your copy of the emulator's in)

Make sure you've got the Supermodel window that opens selected and follow the instructions in the command prompt window that opens to configure all the controls (i.e press the button you want be start then hit enter to confirm). You can just use the down arrow on your keyboard to skip past stuff you don't need, like fighting game controls et cetera. When it asks you to configure the accelerator and brake, after configuring some other bits, Supermodel should be able to identify them when you press the pedal when prompted.

If you're still having trouble, you can press 'B' to calibrate and identify specific axes.


Thank you so much for this! I ran the batch file on my test set-up and I believe this is in my capability. Question...can I just use the bat file to map the brake pedal and bypass remapping all of the other controls which are already working great?

Much appreciated,

Started by argonlefou - Last post by lowgunn

Argon would you ever consider supporting the nixxou dolphin build?  It works pretty well and has recoil and damage output built in.  Unfortunately the light guns I use does not have a gamepad/joystick mode so two players would not be possible

10   Main Forum / Re: Arachnid 6300 dart board helpon February 08, 2025, 12:39:56 pm

Started by Romeo - Last post by Nephasth

It sounds like you've already done a lot of troubleshooting by replacing the matrix and checking the board's mechanics. Since the same sections still aren't registering, the issue might be with the wiring or the connection between the matrix and the main board. I’d check for any loose or damaged ribbon cables, corrosion on connectors, or possible issues with the circuit board itself. If everything looks good, testing the board with a multimeter might help pinpoint the problem. Let me know if you find anything—I'd be happy to help troubleshoot further.

8 years late, buddy... :cheers:
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