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1   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on Yesterday at 05:34:06 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by bsoder52

figured it out it think i can use a hotscript to do a hard close on the game when I esc out of it. :)

2   Main Forum / New I-Pac 2 shift key unexpected behavioron Yesterday at 04:58:39 pm

Started by TheManuel - Last post by TheManuel


I just installed a new I-Pac 2 to replace my OG I-Pac from 2001. 

The issue I'm having is as follows:
- I assigned "1Coin" input to be the shift key
- I assigned "P" as its primary function
- What's working: when pressing the button wired to 1Coin, nothing happens until I let it go, and then it sends "P" as expected

What's not working:
When pressing the button wired to 1Coin and holding it, then pressing another button, the shifted function of the other button executes as expected, but when I let go of the 1Coin button P is sent also.

That is not how the old i-Pac worked, and I don't think it is intended behavior for the shift button to do its normal function when I press it just to access the shift function of another button.

Any ideas?

3   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on Yesterday at 04:42:02 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by MrThunderwing

No idea how you'd do that in those front ends I'm afraid, I normally just use ESC to un-fullscreen it and then click on the X at the corner of the screen to close. Can you just assign a button on the front end to the universal application close shortcut - Alt+F4?

4   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on Yesterday at 04:36:19 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by bsoder52

ScudJ and is clearly a japan rom.  good to know on those as well! I just got Motor Raid on the System2 linked pretty fun albeit basic game. My kids will love it ha. One new issue I have though is when I close a System2 game in my launch box or bigbox front end it just minimizes the game vs. closing it. hmmm I can't seem to find a setting in the emulator.

5   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on Yesterday at 04:33:28 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by MrThunderwing

I'm curious, what was the name of the Scud ROM that was missing the options? Dirt Devils and LeMans 24 are also link-able, so is Ski Champ, although that might be a bit tricky in a racing cabinet...

6   Driving & Racing Cabinets / Re: Supermodel3 Brake help on Yesterday at 03:07:05 pm

Started by bsoder52 - Last post by bsoder52

Yup that was the issue although my bad rom had another extension on it. I was able to use the standard rom for my 1player games and the plus rom for the 2player head2head linked games, great stuff!
I'll have to look at what othe games I can link up for System3 now ha.
So far I have:Daytona2 BOTE, Daytona2PE, Harley, Scud Race & Sega Rally 2.  awesome games and they all match my sega cabinet era.

Started by r38007 - Last post by r38007

Didn't find anything that stuck out to me on the BIOS. It does look like if I set am FE Active animation I can get this problem to come back most of the time. Also looks like when I launch a game and I have the issue, its lighting up the buttons that the FE animation was just using. So for example I launch a game and the FE animation has lit up 4 of my admin buttons, those 4 buttons then switch to random colors but my mapped buttons do not light up. I'll try to get a vid of this later.

Still the kicker is if I enable debugging in LEDBlinky, issue is gone  :dizzy:

Started by r38007 - Last post by r38007

I would not call this system too slow, i7 7700k, 16GB, SSD. This was all working before for a few years, only change was moving my hardware into a new cab. Still using the same buttons and pacLED64. So from a hardware point, nothing has changed, just its all in a new cab. I'll dig around on the pc and the BIOS as this does seem like some odd ball timing issue or something.

I still can't figure out why enabling debugging in LEDBlinky makes the issue go away. I forgot to mention but I am on the latest version of LEDBlinky as well. Done full uninstalls and re-installs of both LEDBlinky and LB/BB, same issue.
I am able to work around it about 95% of the time if I just don't run any animations and leave the LEDs off till mame starts, and then the buttons light up.

Kicker is this all worked fine till I moved it into a new cab...Love tracking down issues like this  :angry:

9   Main Forum / Re: Dart Board questionon Yesterday at 12:03:03 pm

Started by reko19 - Last post by Nephasth

Looks like 2025 is going to be the year for steel tip auto-scoring.

Here's another option:

10   GroovyMAME / Re: GroovyMAME/ARCADE32/64 custom buildon Yesterday at 07:22:00 am

Started by haynor666 - Last post by haynor666

Version 274 is out.
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