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Started by psakhis - Last post by BuckoA51

The script still doesn't work for me though as it just halts as soon as switch res is called, this line specifically:-

Code: [Select]
c:\ini\switchres.exe 480 270 60 -f 480x270@60 -i C:\ini\switchres.ini -s

Yeah sorry about that.. That's my path to the my ini file.
Yours might be different depending on where it is located.

Anyway, it works, though I ended up just leaving the game in 480x270 as that looked far better on my display anyway, and I couldn't see any scroll shimmer or bad scaling at that.

480x270 is not quite 60hz but around 55.670103Hz so I would try and avoid using that mode.

Edit - Here's the script that worked for me..

Without the -k on Switchres it just sits there forever doing nothing and won't carry on with the script.

Only problem with this script is that it leaves the PC in 480x240, not great as Switchres usually switches back to whatever res you were using before.

Anyway, it works, though I ended up just leaving the game in 480x270 as that looked far better on my display anyway, and I couldn't see any scroll shimmer or bad scaling at that.

You should not use -k since that will keep the resolution in memory until you reboot and that is also why it leaves the PC in 480x240.

Here is a more refined one.. Try this

Code: [Select]
@echo off
REM Change to the directory of the game
cd "C:\Games\KAGE Shadow of the Ninja"

REM Start the game with switchres and launch it in a separate process
start "" c:\ini\switchres.exe 480 270 60 -f 480x270@60 -i C:\ini\switchres.ini -s -l "\"C:\Games\KAGE Shadow of the Ninja\KAGE Shadow of the Ninja.exe\""

REM Wait for 20 seconds before switching resolution
timeout /t 20 /nobreak >nul

REM Switch resolution to 480x240 after 20 seconds
c:\ini\switchres.exe 480 240 60 -f 480x240@60 -i C:\ini\switchres.ini -s

REM Optional: Wait for user input before closing the command window
REM pause

Here the batch file changes to the correct directory for the game.
Launches it in a separate window with -s (Switch) & -l (launch)

Waits 20 second before switching to 480x240p

Start the game first without using the batch file
Set Screen Mode to Borderless.
Exit the game.

Start up using the batch file again.
Wait until it switches to 480x240p.
Go in to the options and Set Screen Mode to Fullscreen.

This has to be done every time but will make the game display correctly in 480x240p.

If you still have issue then do a quick restarts and try again.

I finally had time to play with this myself...So this /almost/ works.

Your first call to switchres where you launch the game does nothing, since switchres thinks the game has exited, it will just throw you back to whatever the desktop resolution was before you launched the game.

The second call to switchres 20 seconds later has the desired effect of switching to 480x240p.

However, no matter what I do, start it first in borderless then exit and start the script then set game to fullscreen etc, I can't get the vertical shimmering to go away. I mean it's not awful in game, you notice it most in the intro as the text scrolls, but it's definitely there.

I tried the game through my PixelFX Morph with that set to a prescale of 4x (so 1080p down to 270p) on a 4k display and that worked great, so clearly something is not working on the PC side for this title.

I give up, this game just isn't going to play nice I don't think.

Started by Customcade - Last post by Zebidee

The guide for you to follow is here:

You need to detail every single little step you take from start to finish.

For example:

- Did you install the driver?
- Did you enable TEST SIGNING?
- Did you restart the computer?
- Do you now get a "TEST MODE "message in the bottom-right corner?
- What driver is reported as installed when you look under device manager?

I am not getting that far yet, Nothing is mentioned about EDID in the driver install instructions.

The instructions about enabling EDID are at step 2 of the install instructions, entitled "STEP 2 - ENABLING EDID EMULATION"

- Here I'd want to know what monitor presets you have chosen from the pull-down list?
- Did you uncheck "Extend desktop automatically on device restart"?
- What analog video output have you chosen for EDID emulation?
- Now you've done that, go into Display Settings - what does windows report your monitor as?

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade


Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

I am not getting that far yet, Nothing is mentioned about EDID in the driver install instructions.

I get the driver installed.

Go to arcade osd and set it for 640x480 native or custom and then get the screen shot above for a display.

Started by RandyT - Last post by firedance

Yes because Pause says you have to press a button to continue the batch script? Im not an batch script expert. would be nice if you post the solution if you figured it out. :)

Should have said, tried it without the pauses and it still doesn't load Lichtknarre again after Dolphin, will do some research when i get the chance :)

Started by matttom - Last post by Megatouchmike

Replace ram

Started by Customcade - Last post by Calamity

In the "Edid emulation" step, make sure to pick the VGA output, not the DVI-D one. Some people fail on this step thinking they have to pick DVI there, because the connector on the card is actual a DVI (I), but the signal we want is analog (VGA) not digital (DVI-D).

Started by RandyT - Last post by Fusselkroete

Yes because Pause says you have to press a button to continue the batch script? Im not an batch script expert. would be nice if you post the solution if you figured it out. :)

Started by RandyT - Last post by firedance

From the batch file, when you exit Dolphin it should then load Lichtknarre, which it doesn't  :-[

Tried the same batch file with fatmatch.exe (first program i picked from my utils folder) and that reloads, that file doesn't need the batch file to run as admin though.

On my retro-pc i disabled UAC so don't its that.

Started by RandyT - Last post by Fusselkroete

What do you mean by not reloading?
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