PL1 - it’s a weird situation where the 32x carts are just ever so slightly wider, and the screw holes don’t align with Genesis pcbs. Apparently some will drill more holes in the Genesis boards to make them fit. For the next 24 hours at least, one can buy a 32x shell with 4MB flash card in it for $6 shipped in bulk. Not entirely sure the printing expense is worth the savings here.The models you linked to have different center-to-center distances for the screw holes, but the guy who uploaded them didn't post the info on the required PCB hole sizes and spacing or explain why he had two fronts and two backs in each of the two widths. (8 files)

If you want, I can reverse engineer the relevant info from the models in OpenSCAD and post it here so everyone can tell if one of those models will fit their PCB(s).