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91   Everything Else / Re: So ... 3d Printers....on February 02, 2025, 07:44:19 pm

Started by Howard_Casto - Last post by PL1

PL1 - it’s a weird situation where the 32x carts are just ever so slightly wider, and the screw holes don’t align with Genesis pcbs.  Apparently some will drill more holes in the Genesis boards to make them fit.  For the next 24 hours at least, one can buy a 32x shell with 4MB flash card in it for $6 shipped in bulk.  Not entirely sure the printing expense is worth the savings here.

The models you linked to have different center-to-center distances for the screw holes, but the guy who uploaded them didn't post the info on the required PCB hole sizes and spacing or explain why he had two fronts and two backs in each of the two widths. (8 files)   :banghead:

If you want, I can reverse engineer the relevant info from the models in OpenSCAD and post it here so everyone can tell if one of those models will fit their PCB(s).


92   GroovyMAME / Re: CRT Emudriver - Multiple CRT TVson February 02, 2025, 07:03:04 pm

Started by PhalanxFormation - Last post by Recapnation

Assuming your TVs have RGB SCART inputs. (Depending on your setup, a SCART switcher with 2 outputs might be a better option, though.)

You can use the HDMI out on your second 15 kHz TV, anyway, but that requires a DAC which supports 15 kHz, and I don't think they're easy to come by (would love to know a good one which is still available, myself). Two outputs has the advantage of letting you use two actual monitors for games with two monitors originally and the drawback of having to tell Windows (are you on WIN?) every time you swap displays.

93   Everything Else / Re: So ... 3d Printers....on February 02, 2025, 06:53:21 pm

Started by Howard_Casto - Last post by pbj

PL1 - it’s a weird situation where the 32x carts are just ever so slightly wider, and the screw holes don’t align with Genesis pcbs.  Apparently some will drill more holes in the Genesis boards to make them fit.  For the next 24 hours at least, one can buy a 32x shell with 4MB flash card in it for $6 shipped in bulk.  Not entirely sure the printing expense is worth the savings here.


Started by buttersoft - Last post by Bunta

Ok new question. Has anyone been able to load 2 saved cars to play against each other?

Started by arcadesteve123 - Last post by arcadesteve123

I bought this tankstick off of marketplace but I never seen this layout/configuration before...Would anyone know who or what mods were made so I can learn more about what was done?

Started by Customcade - Last post by Customcade

Complete Mint Working Personal Use Happ Coin Mech Assembly Pair Dual Arcade Ops.

Came from a personal use machine that spent it's life in my living room so your getting what you paid for.

Asking $24 shipped or best offer by PayPal goods and services.

Started by buttersoft - Last post by Bunta

I think I may have figured out my problem.  I couldn't create a "card" to save the car data so I turned off the "Free Play" in the Flycast settings.  But because I did that the "Network Type" was also disabled.  So all I had to do was click on "Free Play" in the "General" tab, clicked on the "Network" tab and the "Network Type" options were no longer disabled.

Started by buttersoft - Last post by Bunta

Alright hoping I can get some help here.  So as of right now I'm running Flycast Ver 2.4.  I'm trying to setup the "Network" portion of Initial D Arcade Ver 2 Export.  When I click on the Network tab on Flycast I noticed that the "Network Type" is selected as "Disabled".  I'm assuming I need to select the "Naomi" option to allow me more options to setup the host, etc etc.  Anyone know how to do it? As of right now under the "Network Options" I only have "Enable UPnP", "Broadcast Digital Outputs" and "Broadband Adapter Emulation".

99   Main Forum / Re: Small Windows XP computer for MAME?on February 02, 2025, 12:26:22 pm

Started by robertsig - Last post by Fursphere

Because of programming, USB drivers/controls and such, I need to keep this install of WinXP intact. 

I'm curious what you are hanging onto for the arcade cabinet that needs Windows XP?  Is it a special video card to drive a CRT or something?

XP went end of life 11 years ago.  You're going to have to go eBay spelunking (or local computer surplus house?) to find hardware that'll work with XP.

Its really simple to start fresh these days for an arcade cabinet build out with modern hardware.

100   Main Forum / Small Windows XP computer for MAME?on February 02, 2025, 11:53:10 am

Started by robertsig - Last post by robertsig

I semi-built an arcade machine in 2011 using a Zotac Geforce 9300 mini-itx motherboard, Windows XP, CRT monitor and a variety of arcade controls.  The knowledge I gained in this forum since then has waned a bit.  It's been working for a while.  Because of programming, USB drivers/controls and such, I need to keep this install of WinXP intact.  I do have a solid image-backup of the SSD drive.

The motherboard has been a little flaky, so I want to buy a replacement SMALL computer from eBay that can run Windows XP.  This motherboard was a mini-ITX.  If I could do it over, I'd go even smaller.  I'm not sure if Intel made NUC's in the Core2Duo days.  I don't recall if integrated computers of that size were even a thing back then.

So that part I forgot was-- people here recommended at the time I get an NForce chipset because the graphics worked best with MAME.  Maybe it was refresh rating changing depending on the game - I no longer recall.

Is that still the recommendation for Windows XP era hardware?  Or would any ol' graphics card from that era be fine?  And of course, I welcome recommendations on something pre-built and  < mini-ITX in size.
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