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Started by delta88 - Last post by PL1

Im working on a FiF build and I do have a .exe to run but I wanted to try the Dragon king's rework of fix it felix. The link on his page is dead and I was looking to see if anyone had a copy. Thanks!!
I thought that was covered in your earlier thread.
Anyone have a copy on the googles drive? The link on the DG page is dead.. thanks :)
Here's a link to Howard's wrapper for FIFJ on


Started by Titchgamer - Last post by MrThunderwing

Apologies for a bit of a necro post, but I finally got to give this a try with a full 4 player Vs game at the weekend (using the PS4 version, not the patched PC version). Such a simple concept, but, oh man, so much fun!

Started by delta88 - Last post by delta88

Im working on a FiF build and I do have a .exe to run but I wanted to try the Dragon king's rework of fix it felix. The link on his page is dead and I was looking to see if anyone had a copy. Thanks!!

Started by arcadesteve123 - Last post by arcadesteve123

However...paradise is short lived as it seems that my mapping is now off.  When putting everything back together I swapped usb ports on the computer and somehow messed up the tankstick player controls. P1 on the left is now on the right and P2 is on the left as shown...ugh.

Hopefully there is an easy workaround?

Started by b4nd1t0 - Last post by arcadeswede

@b4nd1t0 Are you able to compile GroovyArcade with hiscore and cv1k fix?

Started by arcadesteve123 - Last post by arcadesteve123

Diy stand and tankstick together again!

7   Everything Else / Re: OND's other projects on Today at 01:57:17 am

Started by Ond - Last post by Ond

Testing the fit of the Artisan panels:

Both Artisan enclosures glued up except for baffles. Most circular cuts were done with my router using a flush trim bit and the 3D printed cutting templates. I'm using threaded inserts for most screw fittings with either M4 or M5 Button head machine screws:

Here I've sealed the lower chamber of the Artisan enclosures with silicon. Crossovers screwed into place. The lower chamber will be filled with sand. You can just see the hole I've cut in the bottom to allow sand filling;

I'm starting to line the insides of these with foam. Once that's done I can glue the baffles into place:

Here I've just positioned the baffle in place and I'm making sure the drivers clear the port. Its a tight fit, the magnets on the back of each driver just clear the end of the port:

Here are the completed crossovers for the Carrera bookshelf speakers. These little bookshelf speakers are more costly to build than the tall floor standing Artisans.

Here are the Carrera enclosures with rebates finished and ports glued in place:

Soon I'll start looking at the third design, the most complex (and expensive!) the Sasandu speakers. I'll cover the 3D design prep I did in Fusion for CNC cutting the panels, and a first look at the 3 way Sasandu crossovers, built once again on my own PCBs...

Started by saint - Last post by Ond


Started by DaOld Man - Last post by DaOld Man

Hopefully I figured this out.

I ran ledwiz_configurator as administrator.
Then, in Global Options, I unchecked "Enable Debug Log"
It now runs from win startup with no errors.
If I re-enable the debug log, I get the error.

So Id say there is a bug in the debug log routine.
Hopefully this will help someone else who might have the same problem.

10   Audio/Jukebox/MP3 Forum / Rowe Ami Capacitors required.on Yesterday at 06:44:09 pm

Started by Scorpio Classics - Last post by Scorpio Classics

Capacitors needed to repair rowe ami r2179a stereo amplifier.
Can anyone advise on where to buy these? Many thanks.
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