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Started by marioxb - Last post by marioxb

Do any PS2 (or PS1) emulators support Jogcon yet? I'd love to play the PlayStation 1/2 Ridge Racer games with full analog and force feedback. Any options for this? If not, what about pad-hacking a Jogcon into a Logitech wheel maybe?

Started by geecab - Last post by geecab

Hi GPForverer2024!

I had some spare time today, I've been reading the reviews for your new 8xRelay board and found these ones interesting (There are about 115 of them lol!):-

I found a couple of reviews saying when the board is powered up, it doesn't respond to data received on its serial COM port. However, after running their Relay Manager v1.4 tool and opening the device, then it does start responding to serial COM port data. The assumption is, opening the device using Relay Manager v1.4 puts the device into some 'bit bang' mode, and leaves it in this state even when you exit Relay Manager v1.4. I *think* the board has to be in 'bit bang' mode to be able to control the relays using Serial COM port data.

I'm probably getting way ahead of myself, but I think it is good to be aware of this.

I've modified the scoreboard_to_relays tool, the command line arguments you have to supply have changed, as it now caters for different types of Relay boards (e.g. 'CH340', 'FTDI_BASIC', 'FTDI_BITBANG' etc.. The FTDI_* relates to your 8xRelay board because of the chip it uses. The operation (Including the On/Off byte sequences) of these are described in a 'supported_devices.ini' file I've added). Running scoreboard_to_relays.exe from command prompt without any arguments and you'll see the help displayed (which will hopefully explain everything).

To summarise, I reckon/hope that after you've tested the relay using the Relay Manager 1.4 tool, you should be able to run scoreboard_to_relays, specifying FTDI_BITBANG as the device and things should 'just work'.

Something else (Getting very ahead of myself now) - I've created an 'ftdi_config.exe' tool using the library files provided from the manufacturer. Running it without any arguments will just list all the FTDI devices in your system and display the help. You can run this tool and provide a couple of command line arguments to get your device into 'bit bang' mode (Which might be a simpler alternative to having to run their Relay Manager 1.4 tool and manually opening the device).

Hope this makes some sense lol!

Good luck, here is a link to the scoreboard_to_relays ftdi_config executables and source code:-


Started by abispac - Last post by abispac

Is it common for this monitors to turn off randomly? I cant find the cause, I suspect the power source, but I'm not really sure. The monitor turns off randomly but powering on and off will turn the monitor on again...

4   Monitor/Video Forum / Re: Neotec NT-500DX Repairon Yesterday at 09:20:47 pm

Started by Rocketeer2001 - Last post by Rocketeer2001

Ah, yes that makes sense. I'm feeling a little lazy now, so I'll skip that IC test and just hope for the best with the cap replacements.

I ordered the caps and now we wait.
For anyone else that needs to assemble a cap kit for one of these monitors, here's a complete list I compiled:

C504   400v, 330uf   
C510   50v, 4.7uf   
C545   35v, 68uf   *
C582   50v, 10uf   
C951   50v, 1uf   
C953   50v, 1uf   
C948   50v, 1uf   
C935   50v, 1uf   
C952   50v, 1uf   
C901    50v, 4.7uf   
C907   50v, 10uf   
C922   16v, 22uf   
C585   16v, 100uf   
C523   25v, 100uf   
C505   16v, 100uf   
C949   50v, 1uf   
C910   50v, 10uf   
C922   16v, 22uf   
C519   25v, 470uf   
C527   16v, 100uf   
C507   16v, 100uf   
C525   16v, 1000uf   *
C501   25v, 470uf   
C530   25v, 1000uf   *
C520   160v, 22uf   *
C521   100v, 330uf   *
C305   25v, 470uf   
C325   25v, 100uf   
C323   25v, 1000uf   
C744   100v, 47uf   *
C745   16v, 22uf   
C722A   200v, 22uf   
C722   200v, 22uf   
C623   16v, 22uf   
C601   16v, 100uf   
C607   16v, 47uf   
C612   50v, 4.7uf   
C613   50v, 4.7uf   
C615   16v, 47uf   
C715   50v, 4.7uf   
C773   50v, 4.7uf   
C774   50v, 4.7uf   
C772   50v, 4.7uf   *
C704   50v, 10uf   
C703   35v, 100uf   

C276   200v, 22uf   *
C263   250v, 1uf, NP   *can be 400v 1 uf
C203   250v, 1uf, NP   *
C233   250v, 1uf, NP   
C247   16v, 47uf   
C272   16v, 47uf   
C270   16v, 47uf   
C290   16v, 47uf   
C292   16v, 47uf   *
C280   16v, 47uf   
C279   16v, 47uf   *
C244   25v, 22uf   
C288   25v, 22uf   
C296   16v, 220uf   *

C105   16v, 100uf

400v, 330uf   1
250v, 1uf, NP   3
200v, 22uf   3
100v, 47uf   1
100v, 330uf   1
160v, 22uf   1
50v, 10uf   4
50v, 4.7uf   8
50v, 1uf   6
35v, 68uf   1
35v, 100uf   1
25v, 1000uf   2
25v, 470uf   3
25v, 100uf   2
25v, 22uf   2
16v, 1000uf   1
16v, 220uf   1
16v, 100uf   6
16v, 22uf   4
16v, 47uf   9

TOTAL = 60

5   Everything Else / Re: RIP - The Dead Celebrity Threadon Yesterday at 08:37:05 pm

Started by Ginsu Victim - Last post by pbj

One of the funniest commercials I’ve ever seen…

And following up on this one…

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, known simply as "Dr. Ruth", renowned sex therapist, 96.

They used to run her column in the USVI Daily News, and one week is about this woman writing in and saying her boyfriend wanted to pee inside her.  Is this safe?  Dr. Ruth confidently urged the woman to tell her boyfriend to attempt it, as it’s physically impossible to piss with an erection.  And then he’d give up and we can move on with life.

This was a pretty scandalous question down there, and caused much “hell in a hand basket” discussion at men’s breakfast the following Saturday.  To which I commented, “I can piss with an erection.”

I can still remember that thousand yard stare I got from my father in law.

That was the same trip as “well, at least we may have a grand baby soon” and “sorry, it doesn’t work that way with anal sex.”


Started by psakhis - Last post by Recapnation

So it was a just-for-fun approach, after all. Enjoy, then.

7   Everything Else / Re: RIP - The Dead Celebrity Threadon Yesterday at 06:07:24 pm

Started by Ginsu Victim - Last post by SlammedNiss

James Earl Jones, actor and, most well-known for, voice of Darth Vader, 93.

8   GroovyMAME / Re: CRT Emudriver Squashed imageon Yesterday at 05:25:52 pm

Started by rickyc675 - Last post by psakhis

To work with native resolutions, your card need support low pixel clocks.

I don't have R9 380x to test it, but you can test minium with GroovyMame and switchres.ini.

Started by psakhis - Last post by psakhis

Keep calm.

Thread was proposed to centralize those pc games that can work well at 15khz.

Resolution is something that is not always achieved because we do not have the same opinion, examples:
  A) I prefer any 240p to 480i even i know isn't the correct modeline
  B) Aspect ratio 16:9 vs 4:3. Some games are 640x360, so do any conversion to 854x480 is a hack to avoid black borders
  C) Pixel perfect vs vertical freq. A lot of games have 270 vertical lines, so isn't possible maintain 60hz. In my opinion i prefer crop that modeline to 240p and keep 60hz.

I take this opportunity to comment that I will try to update thread with the latest contributions, which for me are very appreciated every time someone contributes a new title.

Started by evil_puck - Last post by MartyKong

You want to have your control panel artwork printed with a polycarbonate lamination on top. This will have a matte finish which will keep fingerprints to a minimum. I used Lucian045 to print my artwork. He can be found in the retail vendors section - does great work.
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