Im glad you enjoyed my novel. >_<

Not sure if you didnt catch this... but sells kits to build replica EPI speakers,
for only $372 a pair. Supposedly, his new drivers, use the same design technology, but with slightly improved capabilities.
(Ive never purchased from him, so I cant verify. He used to work for EPI/Genesis, and his Site has very Detailed information
on all of their Models) Mostly, I recommended these for the specific Purpose, of using their Drivers. As Ive never heard tweeters that could
produce an Image like the EPIs. So wide, deep, and Holographic. The woofers are fantastic too... though, not quite
as special as the tweeters.
Had I never suffered health issues... I might have liked to try to experiment with different configurations. For example...
One of the best Midrange drivers Ive ever heard... was a 3" Dome midrange. Im usually a man that tons down midrange...
as Im very sensitive to that frequency range... and it can become too harsh and overbearing. However, on this one speaker
pair... they sounded so damn luscious... that I had to purchase them. Unfortunately, the rest of the drivers on those speakers
were fairly average trash (I couldnt tell you what the make/model is, as they are in storage).
Anyway... Id considered trying to wire those Mids into the EPI drivers. Creating a larger Box. Adding in a Passive Radiator.
And maybe even wiring a 2nd woofer in, for even greater power output.
EPI & Genesis have certain models that are like this. Their Ultimate speaker, is the EPI 1000... which has Four Pairs of
drivers per 6ft tall Tower. Im not entirely sure I agree with how they placed all of those drivers (one pair per side)... but
the guy whom runs the Humanspeakers site.. built a pair himself, and claims that if he ever sold them, he would just
immediately build another pair.
Anyway... One thing that people seem to misunderstand... is that Driver technology has not really change much,
since the 70s. There may be slightly improved materials, to make slightly lighter cones... but the differences are incredibly
minimal, that most people wouldnt even be able to hear the difference. Also, these new materials can be offset by simply
using stronger magnetics anyway.
The speaker boxes themselves... are not actually what makes speakers sound that much better / different. I found that out
early on.. when I was swapping various drivers, into different speaker boxes. The most notably dramatic changes... were always
coming from Superior Drivers... not the actual Box Shape itself.
The only exception, being in the type of speaker box: Ported, Sealed, Passive Radiator, and Open Baffle.
Unfortunately, I also learned that you cant just seal a ported speaker... and expect it to sound like a sealed speaker... when I
tried to Improve my 90s era Techniques speakers. It seems that sealed speakers, require woofers that have an easier to move
spider... as well as much stronger magnetics... so that they can over-come the higher air-pressures, of a sealed cabinet design.
I also bought one of those B0se Radio's at a thrift shop for like $30 (6 CD base unit included).. mostly as a curiosity, about
their Bass Tube technology (similar to Transmission Line designs). At lower volume levels... it sounds "OK" at best. But at
med to high volume levels.. you get that same over-exaggerated, and artificial + droning sounding Bass. In fact, the louder
you push the system... the worse and worse it sounds. Add to it, very poor highs. The Mids were the only semi-decent
thing about them... and even they were nothing to write home about.
The other bass extending method that seemed to work without sounding artificial, is the use of a well tuned Passive Radiator.
Ports simply create bass that is way too artificial sounding... in addition to causing other issues, like Port Chuffing, and other
distortions, from turbulence + inconsistent air volume/pressure issues.
I also used to fantasize about 360 degree speakers (omnidirectional)... but after hearing those 360 degree Di-Pole tweeters...
and hearing how they can distort via time-delay issues... as well as experienced Holographic sound from the EPIs 180 degree
spread.. I realized that things are not always what you would assume / expect.
In fact, I did once build an Omni satellite prototype, from some cheap used drivers. I had intended to try to create some
funnels full of resin, or find / make a Solid Concrete / Rock Cone... to spread the upwards projecting tweeter... in 360 degrees...
But due to time and material constraints... I simply used Four, 4" dowels (one per corner of the top of the speakers), and placed
a flat piece of wood on top. This would allow the tweeter to hit the wood.. and be heard out of all sides of the speakers.
Despite not having a Cone "director"... the design actually worked just fine. You could easily hear the tweeter, from any
direction. Obviously, it may have sounded better, with a Cone to direct the soundwaves more accurately... but they sounded
decent enough to use... so I used them for several months, as-is.. before I eventually got my EPIs.
I suspect that since those tweeters were low spec... that they were incapable of producing the same kinds of issues, that they
Dipole Ribbon tweeters were creating. As such, I then realized, that sometimes specs on drivers, do not always mean
that they are "Superior" for the type of sound, and effects, that you may be after. For example.. certain super-tweeters
may be able to handle extremely high frequencies... but at the same token.. may have a slightly artificial sound to them..
and often might be a little too Hot / Harsh / Fatiguing.
And finally, I will speak a little more about driver importance... From when I tried to replace my foam-rotted Woofers,
on my Phillips Woox mini-system.
I had some similar sized woofers from various other mini styles, like Sony, and Aiwa woofers. Yet none of those woofers,
sounded ANYWHERE CLOSE to being as good, as the original Phillips woofers. The sonys were especially bad... severely
coloring the sound, in a very bad way.
After several attempted replacements.. I couldnt find anything that sounding remotely as good... so I started researching
the original woofers. While many companies use cheap Chinese drivers... these Phillips woofers were made in a Taiwanese
company... that was known for its higher quality, higher-end audio drivers. I believe Phillips specifically had these drivers
made to their exacting specs. These woofers were unique in a few ways.. one of the main being, that they had much greater
EXCURSION abilities... to prevent them from suffering distortions, if/when the cone travels too far. However, that alone, is
not what made them Sound better than all of the other woofers. It was simply a much better quality woofer, all around...
and was tuned perfectly. The difference between the Sony woofers, and these, was by a factor of 10. Literally that
much difference in sound quality.
As such, I had no choice, but to get the original drivers Re-Foamed. I actually liked those speakers that much, that I spent the
$100 or so dollars, to have them refoamed. Unfortunately, the Woox assemblies experienced foam rot, about 2 or so years
later.. and they become useless at that point.
So... when I see people buying drivers from places like PartsExpress... I just feel the need to speak up about the fact... that
many of those drivers might have decent looking Specs.. but they might actually sound like Poo. And no matter how good
your Box design might be... those drivers might not do them any Justice at all. Then you will have speakers that LOOK like
$50k speakers... but only sound like $100 speakers.
This is why I recommend buying or picking up USED drivers, that have a solid reputation, for Supreme Excellence in
performance and Reproduction.
Hope that helps. I wont rant any further

Maybe just post some other ideas Ive had...
Anyway, it would also be cool to share some of your other ideas on speaker designs... and or some of your experiments
Maybe even some of your favorite speaker / headphone experiences.