Don't take this too are new.
People looking for zero burn tubes are the problem.
Even moderate burn is many times not noticeable at all during gameplay.
Jerks are tossing tubes with moderate burn because they are not perfect.
Hopefully you have not tossed any tubes yet.
If you live anywhere near the Chicagoland area, come on out and I will show you what I mean.
I have an arcade room with a variety of CRTs in various states of burn.
Haha, no I definitely never take anything wrong man. No worries, My skin is too thick for that. Also I understand how it is when you don't understand someone and you have your own ideals, you kinda can misjudge, then think you know something about that person, etc... So its all good, I didn't take it wrong. Let me explain myself, and maybe you can identify my type more accurately as I am sure you got some friends like me that you tease and make fun of.. haha I am used to it. No worries.
So for me its like this. NO I am not one of those guys that throws *anything* away, especially something vintage. I will give it away to someone who is less picky than I or I will sell it to someone less picky than I. People who don't like no burn are not the problem obviously, cause it gives people like you, the less picky, more tubes !! And I can be a hub for such things even ! (not tubes yet though as I haven't collected enough)
I'm one of those guys that people LOVE to buy stuff from, my friends (after they tease me for being so picky) line up to take over my old toss outs, cause they are always in excellent condition and I pass on my excellent condition item for a mint condition replacement once I find it. I am like that with everything and have been since I was kid, its not a problem, I just end up getting what I want, and having particularly nice things. I do the same with cars, collectables, music gear (my profession), and especially girls !! LOL. I have no remorse or feeling in things that are not exactly how I want them (why should I ?). There are way too many options, way too many fish out there to settle on anything less, and them lucky finds always come around, have faith. So I wait, I am patient, and its never failed me.
About tubes though in particular. Let me start here so you understand a touch more. So you are talking to a seriously shallow (lol) graphics hound. ALWAYS been that way. I am a gamer, not a builder, not a collector, not a restorer (though I will do all those things, yes, I am a serious gamer first). In gaming for me its all about visuals though. When I first was a kid and I seen perfect tubes while playing games, I didn't know at the time, but I loved that. Later, as a older kid/young man is when I first started seeing burn in for the first time (about 12-14 years old), and I despised it. Yes even back then ! I wouldn't play the game and I'd move on. Why ? - Think about it - It ruined the immersive feeling for me. Its how I am, what I am. It effects my *ENJOYMENT*. Not gameplay, no, but visuals is the way I trick myself into thinking this is not a game, rather life and I am that character in there. *ANY visual artifact totally shatters that immersiveness for me*. If you were a hardcore gamer first and also a graphics hound, you would understand. But you might be a builder/collector/restoration guy first, gamer second. Which then would make sense. Or maybe you are just not the "immersive" type of gamer.
I will admit this though, burn in on a screen that is the same burn from the game you are playing is not as bad as when you see burn in from a game that is different than the one its currently displaying (know what I mean). Just my opinion. Also, that being said, as long as I can not detect visually any burn, then I am cool with it. But if I see it while playing, thats when I kinda lose the good vibe I was on. So really, all I ask is that I can not see it. Some can be there, sure. But again, why settle ? Makes no sense to me.
BTW, yes I am totally new to this - I have a total of 2 tubes so far. They were given to me. I have yet to buy anything as I still haven't found that "right" sale on anything I've found. Out of these tubes 1 is a complete monitor, (will be testing it soon as I get my HV Probe) it has burn, but sine it is my first ever monitor, I will be keeping it a "learn" things on as I collect the tools needed and experiment, watch Randy Fromm videos, etc.. The other one is just a tube, I got the other day. It has no burn. I am looking to decode what monitor chassis/boards/etc.. I need to get it up and running and will try that too. These honestly are just Toal experiments introducing me into the world.
I want to reiterate, I just like to get things so it at *least* plays a illusion on me that's its perfect and brand new. It doesn't have to be really. As long as its outta sight, outta mind. Thats ok. Other than that, yes I am picky, I like things the way I like them or I'd rather just do without until "that" one comes along. Its my nature. I understand there are many like you, that don't mind settling. And I respect that, and thats cool. But understand, not every is like that or needs to be like that nor is it a problem if they are. Thats kinda odd to say.
*Side Note, deeper concept*
The only "problem" is ridiculous laws and the masses gravitation towards convenience over quality (MP3's).. As them 2 things put together is what is causing all the greatest well built things that last a lifetime to no longer be made. BTW - You find that more than a coincidence ? The government just magically finds out that all well built long lasting things are made with materials that are harmful to us or the globe.. MEANWHILE conveniently the modern replacement made with all safe things (supposedly) just happens to magically not last, so you have to buy a new one every 5 years..

? No one finds this as smelling horribly wrong ?