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Author Topic: DWJukebox 3.3 Released  (Read 17039 times)

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    • Chris's MAME Cabinet
DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« on: December 15, 2008, 02:34:27 am »
DWJukebox 3.3 has been released; you can get it from the DWJukebox Download Page.

This version adds three new screensaver options including the much-requested Slideshow, a display for the album cover of the currently playing song, a transparent titlestrip option, a new skin with art by Game Creature, and more.  This version should also be more friendly to running as the Windows shell; no more having to copy jukebox files to the root.

There is also an experimental feature for LCD Smartie users; the contents of the Now Playing display are dumped to a file called display.txt in the jukebox's program folder.  It's not perfect, as the display will glitch briefly if LCD Smartie reads it at the same moment it's being updated, but it will be replaced by better LCD support in the next version.

There is also a new feature that will allow the Windows screensaver to run.  This isn't perfect as the sound is likely to glitch coming out of the screensaver, but it allows use of the excellent GEISS screensaver.

Another big change for joystick users is that moving off the side of the page causes the screen to scroll; this should make joystick navigation much easier!

Here is the full change list:

  • Added slideshow screensaver.
  • Added the Windows screensaver, which activates the current default Windows screensaver.
  • Added ScreenSaver, SlideShowPath, and SlideShowInterval to [ScreenSaver] section of jukebox.ini.
  • Added CPUUsage setting to [Settings] section in jukebox.ini to control how much CPU priority the jukebox gets.
  • Added ShowKeys to [Controls] section to show what keys are being pressed.
  • Added [Display5] which displays the cover art of the song that is playing.
  • Added Transparent as a color option for titlestrips, which overrides the titlestrip image file.
  • Added AUTO as a setting for ColorDepth, Width, and Height in [Display] section of JUKEBOX.INI.
  • Added a chdir to the executable directory to allow the jukebox to run as the Windows shell and increase compatibility with front end software.
  • Added a dump of Display1 to a file called display.txt for use with LCD Smartie
  • Added skin gcretro.skn.
  • Added an album display to cd4-1.skn.
  • Changed GUI navigation to change pages when scrolling off the screen to left or right.
  • Changed focus line indent on classic-style song titlestrips.
  • Changed default value for [DisplayX] Enabled to False.
  • Changed default mappings in CONTROLS.INI.
  • Synchronized page change button repeats with page change animation
  • Fixed problems with slow and corrupted screenshots.
  • Fixed song stuttering on page changes.
  • Fixed page change accelleration.
  • Fixed page change animation when using mouse.
  • Fixed page change messages stacking up in the message queue.
  • Fixed BTN_NEXTALPHA and BTN_PREVALPHA to go to the first page with a new artist letter, not the first full page.
  • Fixed BTN_NEXTALPHA and BTN_PREVALPHA behavior when going through a Various Artists section.
  • Optimized calls to song poll function.


« Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 02:46:45 am by Chris »
DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox:


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Still a problem with Alpha Paging
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 05:55:12 pm »
I still have a problem with the alpha-paging in this version. I meant to bring in some level 5 debugging diagnostics to illustrate my point but - stupid -me - I've left the USB stick on which it resides at home. So I'll forge ahead and try to describe my situation anyhow.

First, some background. I'm currently up to about 6,400 songs on my jukebox. These are what I consider (and backed up by ARIA etc. chart placings) are the best songs of artists who have received commercial airplay over the past 50 years. I have assembled these songs into "albums" by these artists. The id tagging of these songs is therefore that the song title is correct, the track number is merely a number from 1 to x depending on where, alphabetically, the song title falls in this album and the genre, because I'm slack at this point, are all the same (tagged with Wombat).

As well the ALBUM ARTIST and the ALBUM are both consistently tagged with the artist name (which is also the folder in which these songs reside) but the TRACK ARTIST may be different from this and is explicitly whoever it is credited to.

As an example I have a bunch of songs in the Elton John directory and all but one have the track artist, album artist and album set to "Elton John". But he also had a duet hit with Kiki Dee (Don't Go Breaking My Heart) so that song, which resides in the same directory, has the album and album artist also set to Elton John (so they're clustered together) but the track artist will read "Elton John & Kiki Dee".

Other, worse, examples of this cohesion can be found when you look at my Timbaland collection in which basically all of the songs credit other artists (Timbaland featuring blah, blah, blah) or perhaps my Grandmaster Flash folder which only contains two songs at the moment... "White Lines (Don't Do It)" where I have set the track artist to be "Grandmaster Flash featuring Melle Mel" and "The Message" which is by "Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five".

In past iterations of Wincab it appears that if more than 50% of an album's artists are not the same then, on the skins I use, the place where artist is displayed (because I guess not all mp3s are tagged correctly with Album Artist?) is displayed as "Various Artists" instead of using the album artist or folder name.

To correctly assemble my songs into their appropriate clusters I therefore tag and use "album" as my sort selection (otherwise the Timbaland album would be split into about 10 different albums, the Grandmaster Flash one 2 albums, and Elton John also 2 albums). This as all worked well for me apart from the display which I would wish would use Album Artist. I only truly have 2 of what I consider "Various Artists" albums on my jukebox - the soundtracks to Grease and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

This approach also allows me to cluster together "different" artists that are also essentially the same person/band ie. Johnny Cougar/John Cougar Mellencamp/John Mellencamp, Prince & The New Power Generation/Prince/That stupid symbol thing he once was/Prince Again, Jefferson Starship/Airplane/other transportation means) yet still keep the correct track artist tagging for the song.

Even the alpha paging (PREV_ALPHA, NEXT_ALPHA) used to work albeit usually one page past were it should have gone to (which is now fixed by Chris in this version)

However, in this latest iteration of Wincab, I suspect this "Various Artist" logic is now killing me. From my memory of last night as I alpha-paged forward through my collection, about 5 letters didn't correctly jump to the next alphabetic letter... rather they jumped somewhere into the middle of their own letter. It happened in A, G and a few other letters I forget.

Looking at "A" then from what I see the program is going through the A "pages" until it hits a first letter change (should be B but could be C etc. if you don't have any B artists although I do have something under every letter). In my case it stumbles across an "A" album which it decides hasn't got 50% of the songs by that artist and assigns it to "Various Artists", considers that a letter change (sets the current alpha to V) and then displays the "A" page on which that situation occurs. The next NEXT_ALPHA request thus starts with this page/"V" alpha key (although it's in the "A's"), looks at the next page, sees the first letter change again (back to an A) and sets and displays that page.

Once I got to the end of the A's then, again from memory, I reckon the next 5 next_alpha requests all correctly went to their respective letter first pages (B, C, D, E, F) so I suspect (because I'm sure I'd have some albums in there thus might also be considered "Various Artists" under this logic) that maybe the checking is done only on the first or last entry on each page (without holding me to it, it seemed like the erroneous pages always displayed a "Various Artists" album at the last entry on the page).

I'm not sure it should be checking artist's name anyway since I have my collection sorted on Album name and nowhere is that field tagged with anything other that the singular artist name (it and the Album Artists field was derived and set by Tag&Rename as being the folder name in which I stored the songs.)

It gets even worse in the situation where I'm trying to use my keyboard alphabet letters to jump straight to that let (to emulate the slider approach that Chris may be working on) since in that case it appears that if I am in one of the letters that exhibit this behaviour (like A) then all letters presses B through Z will stay in the A section. I think if I manually forward page past the A's then then the alpha-jump keypresses will work unless a similar situation arises.

Let me know if you need some debugging info to back up this explanation if it's unclear.

I haven't tested any of the other features yet...
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 06:04:57 pm by wwwombat »


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    • Chris's MAME Cabinet
Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 06:10:14 pm »
The old logic used the artist for the first track of each album.  The new logic uses what is actually displayed as the artist for the album.  This was why various Artists were such a problem before.

I do not have a lot of full albums on my system so I tend to test more with the Singles skins.  I'll take a closer look when I get home.
DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox:


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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2008, 02:27:27 am »
Here's an extract from jdebug.log showing the progression from the end of the numerals to A (which is the first letter to cause the problem) and then successfully through the letters until G shows the same behaviour.

Code: [Select]
0:01:39.19,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:39.82,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:39.82,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: 4 Non Blondes "
0:01:39.82,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: 4 "
0:01:39.82,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:39.93,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #18 (b4a0c8)"
0:01:39.95,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #19 (b4a5c0)"
0:01:39.95,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #20 (b4aab8)"
0:01:39.97,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #21 (b4afb0)"
0:01:39.98,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #22 (1899f78)"
0:01:39.99,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #23 (189a470)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:40.09,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:40.79,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:40.79,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: A+ "
0:01:40.79,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: a "
0:01:40.79,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:40.79,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:40.79,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:40.79,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: v "
0:01:40.90,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #24 (26e3a10)"
0:01:40.91,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #25 (3931980)"
0:01:40.92,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #26 (3d6a008)"
0:01:40.93,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #27 (3d6a500)"
0:01:40.94,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #28 (26ec008)"
0:01:40.95,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #29 (26ec500)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:41.06,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:42.00,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:42.00,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Various Artists "
0:01:42.00,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: v "
0:01:42.00,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:42.11,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #30 (26ec9f8)"
0:01:42.12,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #31 (189a968)"
0:01:42.13,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #32 (189ae60)"
0:01:42.14,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #33 (189b358)"
0:01:42.15,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #34 (189b850)"
0:01:42.16,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #35 (3a83008)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:42.26,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:43.41,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Aleesha Rome "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:43.41,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: v "
0:01:43.52,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #36 (3a83500)"
0:01:43.53,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #37 (3a839f8)"
0:01:43.54,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #38 (3a83ef0)"
0:01:43.56,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #39 (189e008)"
0:01:43.57,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #40 (189e500)"
0:01:43.58,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #41 (189e9f8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:43.67,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:44.40,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:44.40,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Various Artists "
0:01:44.40,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: v "
0:01:44.40,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:44.51,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #42 (189eef0)"
0:01:44.53,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #43 (189f3e8)"
0:01:44.54,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #44 (18a4008)"
0:01:44.55,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #45 (18a4500)"
0:01:44.56,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #46 (18a49f8)"
0:01:44.57,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #47 (18a4ef0)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:44.68,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:45.20,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Apollo 100 "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: a "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: a "
0:01:45.20,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:45.32,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #48 (18a53e8)"
0:01:45.33,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #49 (18a58e0)"
0:01:45.34,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #50 (18a0008)"
0:01:45.35,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #51 (18a0500)"
0:01:45.36,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #52 (18a09f8)"
0:01:45.37,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #53 (18a0ef0)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:45.48,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:46.19,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Baby Animals "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: b "
0:01:46.19,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:46.30,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #54 (18a13e8)"
0:01:46.31,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #55 (18a18e0)"
0:01:46.32,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #56 (3939008)"
0:01:46.33,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #57 (3932010)"
0:01:46.34,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #58 (4a81ae0)"
0:01:46.35,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #59 (3932508)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:46.46,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:47.13,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Cab Calloway "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: c "
0:01:47.13,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:47.24,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #60 (3932a00)"
0:01:47.26,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #61 (3939500)"
0:01:47.27,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #62 (39399f8)"
0:01:47.28,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #63 (3939ef0)"
0:01:47.29,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #64 (4b89ab0)"
0:01:47.30,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #65 (3e1aa60)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:47.38,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:48.12,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: D:Ream "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: d "
0:01:48.12,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:48.23,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #66 (44269f8)"
0:01:48.25,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #67 (45d8008)"
0:01:48.26,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #68 (27d1008)"
0:01:48.27,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #69 (4e79ae0)"
0:01:48.28,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #70 (27d1500)"
0:01:48.29,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #71 (393a3e8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:48.38,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:49.04,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: E.Y.C. "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: e "
0:01:49.04,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.15,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #72 (393a8e0)"
0:01:49.16,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #73 (393add8)"
0:01:49.18,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #74 (393b2d0)"
0:01:49.19,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #75 (25d5008)"
0:01:49.20,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #76 (25d5500)"
0:01:49.21,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #77 (25d59f8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:49.31,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:49.91,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Fairground Attraction "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: f "
0:01:49.91,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.02,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #78 (25d5ef0)"
0:01:50.03,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #79 (25d63e8)"
0:01:50.04,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #80 (4436008)"
0:01:50.05,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #81 (4436500)"
0:01:50.06,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #82 (44369f8)"
0:01:50.08,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #83 (4436ef0)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:50.17,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:50.84,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Gabrielle "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:50.84,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: v "
0:01:50.96,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #84 (44373e8)"
0:01:50.97,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #85 (44378e0)"
0:01:50.98,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #86 (4437dd8)"
0:01:50.99,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #87 (44382d0)"
0:01:51.00,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #88 (44387c8)"
0:01:51.01,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #88 (44387c8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:51.11,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:51.78,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:51.78,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Various Artists "
0:01:51.78,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: v "
0:01:51.78,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:51.89,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #89 (18dc008)"
0:01:51.90,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #90 (18dc500)"
0:01:51.91,4,ARTCACHE,"Created cache entry #91 (18dc9f8)"
0:01:51.93,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #0 (1876008)"
0:01:51.94,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #1 (1876908)"
0:01:51.95,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #2 (1876e00)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:01:52.06,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
0:01:52.60,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_NEXTALPHA"
0:01:52.60,5,NEXTALPHA,"Artist: Gregory Abbott "
0:01:52.60,5,NEXTALPHA,"Current alpha: g "
0:01:52.60,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:52.60,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: g "
0:01:52.60,5,NEXTALPHA,"New alpha: h "
0:01:52.71,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #3 (18772f8)"
0:01:52.72,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #4 (18777f0)"
0:01:52.73,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #5 (255d008)"
0:01:52.74,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #6 (25db078)"
0:01:52.75,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #7 (25db588)"
0:01:52.77,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #8 (1899810)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."


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« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2008, 02:31:57 am »
And here's a log snippet than shows what happens when pressing buttons A, B, C, D to attempt an alpha jump after starting in my numeric artists.

Code: [Select]
0:02:20.18,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_NEXTALPHA"
Not found."
Not found."
0:02:22.05,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_A"
0:02:22.05,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Jumping to alpha 'a' "
0:02:22.05,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Artist: 2 In A Room "
0:02:22.05,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Current alpha: 2 "
0:02:22.05,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:22.05,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:22.05,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:22.16,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #66 (44269f8)"
0:02:22.17,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #67 (45d8008)"
0:02:22.19,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #68 (27d1008)"
0:02:22.20,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #69 (4e79ae0)"
0:02:22.21,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #70 (27d1500)"
0:02:22.22,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #71 (393a3e8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:02:22.28,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_A"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:02:25.90,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_B"
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Jumping to alpha 'b' "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Artist: 2 In A Room "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Current alpha: 2 "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:25.90,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: v "
0:02:26.01,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #72 (393a8e0)"
0:02:26.02,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #73 (393add8)"
0:02:26.03,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #74 (393b2d0)"
0:02:26.04,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #75 (25d5008)"
0:02:26.06,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #76 (25d5500)"
0:02:26.07,4,ARTCACHE,"Replacing cache entry #77 (25d59f8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:02:26.13,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_B"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:02:30.57,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_C"
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Jumping to alpha 'c' "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Artist: 2 In A Room "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Current alpha: 2 "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:30.57,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: v "
0:02:30.68,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #72 (393a8e0)"
0:02:30.69,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #73 (393add8)"
0:02:30.69,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #74 (393b2d0)"
0:02:30.70,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #75 (25d5008)"
0:02:30.70,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #76 (25d5500)"
0:02:30.71,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #77 (25d59f8)"
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
Not found."
0:02:30.77,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: -BTN_C"
Not found."
0:02:32.26,3,MQ_PROCESS,"Processing message: BTN_D"
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Jumping to alpha 'd' "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Artist: 2 In A Room "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"Current alpha: 2 "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: ! "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: a "
0:02:32.26,5,ALPHAJUMP,"New alpha: v "
0:02:32.37,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #72 (393a8e0)"
0:02:32.38,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #73 (393add8)"
0:02:32.38,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #74 (393b2d0)"
0:02:32.39,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #75 (25d5008)"
0:02:32.39,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #76 (25d5500)"
0:02:32.40,4,ARTCACHE,"Found cached pointer #77 (25d59f8)"


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Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2008, 02:50:06 am »
What do you have SongSort set to?
DOSCab/WinCab Jukebox:


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Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2008, 05:25:26 pm »
For the reasons described in my first post of this thread - Album (to reiterate please remember that I have tagged this to be the primary artist, so this is always set to the same prime artist regardless of the track artist... so both Elton John - Candle in the Wind and Elton John & Kiki Dee - Don't Go Breaking My Heart both reside in an Elton John folder and have both Album Artist and Album also set to Elton John... it's only track artist that is different.)

jukebox.ini relevant extract is:-

Code: [Select]
# If SongSort is set to Artist, title strips will be sorted
# by the artist name. If SongSort is set to Random or is not
# set, title strips will be randomized. If SongSort is set
# to Album, title strips will be sorted by the album name.
# Note that Album sort only appllies to CD-based skins.
# The default is Artist.

SongSort = Album

That's what I said was strange in my first post... if I'm sorting by Album name and I NEVER have an album called "Various Artists" I don't believe I should even be invoking this section of the code.


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Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2008, 06:17:20 pm »
The problem is that the Alpha Jump solely looks at artist, so if you are sorting by album it's going to jump all over.  I need to fix it so it uses whatever the sort currently is.
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Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2008, 04:26:20 pm »
OK, this is fixed for 3.3.1.  Hoping to get that released tonight.
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Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2017, 03:51:14 am »
realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly need help with dwjukebox not loading up all my mp3s


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Re: DWJukebox 3.3 Released
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2017, 06:47:37 pm »
realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly need help with dwjukebox not loading up all my mp3s
Check the ID3 Tags on your MP3s.
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